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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Check out their official site and listen to the one after "Evolution". You could also listen to the full album on Myspace.
  2. Well would if this new franchise has "Spin-offs", I guess you could say, of Grand Theft Auto? Sorta like Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories. Maybe this is the franchise that'll be part of a "San Andreas Stories" that's been floating around for a while now. You never know.
  3. Well if Sony has any kind of partial ownership of this franchise, which that's what it seems to be, than no, these games will not be seen on the 360.
  4. I don't think it was cancelled, I think they're just done with it. Movies usually end series.
  5. I personally loved Driv3r's storyline. Driver Parallel lines just has a different feel than Driv3r had.
  6. Well I liked how in Parallel lines you could get vehicles and modify them. For some reason I like that more in Driver than I did with Grand Theft Auto. Maybe because in Parallel lines there are more "GTA-style" modifications such as bullet proof stuff.
  7. Games Radar, formally known as Cheat Planet, has some articles about GTAIV. Some of it seems new to me, but may not be news to others. So don't be pissed off if there isn't anything new here. Here are some tid bits of information I got from the articles. You can purchase food like we did in San Andreas, which was in Games Radar's demo when Niko bought a hotdog before meeting Jacob. Early in the morning there are fewer people out on the street and those that are out seem to be a little dazed. The ability to play billiards has returned and is taking a more important role by giving you a better chance at friendship with certain characters such as arms dealers. There's no San Andreas-style leveling-up of your abilities with weapons. There is an internet Cafe' called "tw@". It appears that the Pay-N-Sprays won't return in GTAIV. You can purchase outfits similar to the outfits in Vice City, Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories. You can't go to a barbershop or change your physical appearance by gaining lots of weight or getting tattoos. Your vehicles could get bloodstains on them. When you go to kill Goldberg if you choose not to listen to him during your "interview" he says "Hey, I'm all for the second amendment. Guns don't kill people, video games do.", which sounds an awful lot like someone we all know. There are police Humvees. That's all the main stuff I got from it. So hopefully there is some new info for you guys. Source ~ Games Radar Again, sorry if this disappoints you if you already knew about this information.
  8. Ohhhh, so just because, in your opinion, you think that the PC version of the Sims is better that the movie should be based off of that, but shouldn't because it doesn't have a storyline that players follow...ok, I get it...
  9. ...Wow... This says so also and on top of that, the PS3s sales increased 31% before the price drop. Well the 33% failure rate information comes straight from the stores selling the 360s. ANYWAYS, lets get back on topic please. If there is any kind of conent coming to the PS3, I think it'll be totally different from that of what the 360 will be getting.
  10. How the hell is this a game? I didn't think this was "fun", but whatever. I'm eating Cheez-It "Crisps" FOUR CHEESE. I didn't even know these types of Cheez-Its existed until I found them in my pantry...pretty damn good.
  11. Been saying it all along. Time to switch sides if you were a Sony fanboy. PS3 is too expensive for what you get. Like the iPhone. It funny because until around 2004-ish I was a complete PS fanboy, absolutely loving the PS2 and PSP. Then shit blows up, and Sony produces a failure of a system. When PS3 was first announced with its specs and such, I was so excited, but Sony completely screwed everything up and now they're paying for it. That's not to say Microsoft hasn't screwed up with their 360 in certain ways, but nothing compares with the stench of epic fail emanating from Sony. Sounds a little bit like fanboyism to me. [cough]The PS3 has had a 135% sales increase since the price drop. [/cough] [cough]The 360 has had a 33% failure rate. [/cough] EDIT: I guess I should give some links to my "claims" before I get in trouble for something. PS3 135% Sales Increase 360 33% failure rate EDIT: EDIT: Oh shit. Uhhh... I think that the PS3 will eventually get some sort of downloadable content for GTAIV, but not for a while.
  12. I'd suggest buying it. I've been playing it lately and I think it's pretty fun.
  13. They can't get sued for having a lawyer get killed in their game. If they go out and say Goldberg is their version of Jack Thompson, than yes, they could get sued. But Rockstar likes to leave those things up to the fans, let the fans think what they want. I think Rockstar is taking a stab at Thompson, but Rockstar would never admit it for obvious reasons. X 2 Through looking at trailers we can already see that they are basing it real sutff ie America's next top hooker - America's next top model Sprunk - Coca Cola Cluckin Bell - Mcdonalds/KFC Sprunk would be more like Sprite...but I see what you're saying.
  14. Well maybe not the exclusive episodic content, but possibly other content.
  15. This does not mean that Grand Theft Auto: IV on the PlayStation 3 will have downloadable content like the Xbox 360, but it's looking more likely that you PS3 owners will get something special. What that is we don't know yet, but stay tuned to TheGTAPlace for all of the latest updates on this matter. Thanks Charger and Adriaan Link: 1UP.com Article Bold: Are you saying the PS3 will be getting the exclusive content? Cause it's been clarified already the 360 has exclusive content. But good news for Sony if they get some too, something to look forward if you have one. The 360 is getting 2 exclusive episodic content downloads. The PS3 could still get content, just not like the 360's. What the 360 is getting the PS3 wont, there are just too many people on here that think that just because the 360 is getting these two episodic contents that the PS3 wont get any kind of downloadable content. I'd don't think that's true at all. The PS3 version might get extra vehicles, weapons, clothing or even episodes as well...just not the ones the 360 is getting. That's my opinion.
  16. Well maybe the camera leans towards the direction you're turning...that'd be nice.
  17. They can't get sued for having a lawyer get killed in their game. If they go out and say Goldberg is their version of Jack Thompson, than yes, they could get sued. But Rockstar likes to leave those things up to the fans, let the fans think what they want. I think Rockstar is taking a stab at Thompson, but Rockstar would never admit it for obvious reasons.
  18. Yeah, I love those screenshots showing the water. Very nice. I'm getting so pumped.
  19. I think the better question is...how can't it? Happens to me all the time.
  20. At first I thought that part was about the storyline and I was all... "How the hell could someone spoil the obvious ending, that intense, to a high anticipated game like this???" Then I read the rest. It's nice to know Liberty City is gonna be that big.
  21. Do you think you would be able to find all the stuff we got in all the updates up until now? I want to make a list of the features we've gotten in the updates. All credit will go to you obviously. I just don't know where to look for the information. Thanks in advance if you could do this. EDIT: I made two GTAIV backgrounds for the PS3 and a matching one for the PSP. Enjoy!
  22. Yeah, I saw it too, but I had to record it because I was at work. I didn't think the video was that bad, but they have had better. The song is awesome though. I can't wait to get the CD next Tuesday!!!
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