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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. i dont think so ,cause i saw the 4 members in the new video, anyway im gonna ask in korn OFFICIAL forum Well, here ya go.
  2. never heard of this , i think its not true ,, r u sure ? It was in the "Making of" DVD that came with the delux edition. JD said something like "There are only three members now, but we're the three core members." Then he went on to say some other stuff as well.
  3. Actually there are only 3 now because David left. But I wanted a picture of all 5 up there. Not only that, there are about 5 other band members that aren't included with the now three remaining main band members. I was just joking with you...GOSH...
  4. ...Only 47 times??? How long have you been listening to it???
  5. Yeah, I like their Untitled album too. I got the delux edition. I don't know about you or anyone else that listens to KoRn, but for me, I have to listen to their whole album twice before it starts to grow on me. These are my favorite songs from Untitled: Starting Over Evolution, obviously Ever Be Love and Luxury Killing I Will Protect You I love the other ones too, but not as much as these.
  6. You believe in reptilians???...LOL Then that means you believe that the earth is hollow...lol
  7. Aww, but it's more fun stealing every car in site to see if it's the car you're looking for...
  8. I personally don't think they'll put out a demo and I think it would actually ruin the hype. I think they should have videos that cover certain things that are going to be new to us. For example. GTAIV "What's New" - Online (Not confirmed) - Contacts - Climbing etc. I think each one of those videos should be at least 5 minutes long.
  9. Wait until Sims 3 comes out, then the Sims 2 Collection will only cost $40. Everything is expensive when it first comes out...I thought everyone knew that. Hell, I found Max Payne 2 at Gamestop the other day for only $2... new...I couldn't turn that down.
  10. Recently I've came across a website that I've had saved into my favorites that I was unfamiliar with called Stargate Chronicles. An ex-NASA worker, Clark C. McClelland, runs this site. This site is about how the space agency knows about UFOs. When I went onto the site I read the following message. So, as instructed, I contacted McClelland via E-mail, to inform him that I was able to access his website and a day later he E-mailed me back urging me to read his site. So I began to read the intro to the site and found that he is a trained aerospace engineer with over 58 years experience in the fields of space science and UFO research. I found this some what strange that someone like this would urge me to read his website. So after I sent him back an E-mail telling him that I'm a believer in the possibilities of Extra Terrestrials he sent me yet another E-mailing simply saying, "Read it." After that I looked up his name on google and found that he's a pretty big name in UFOlogy, much like David Sereda, Bob Lazar, Hell even Dan Aykroyd. This makes me even more puzzled as to why he is urging me, a random person that randomly came across his website, to read his website. So go to his website and see if you could access it, I don't doubt you'll be able to because I was able to with no problem. Make sure you send him an E-mail letting him know what you thought of his site and post what you thought here as well...post what you sent him in the E-mail if you want.
  11. Read the forth article down here. I find it odd that this kind of news would come up on a site like Earth Files.
  12. I just got a call from Gamestop and they said that GTAIV will be released in March.
  13. I just got done eating a bacon cheeseburger with fries from Eat N' Park...a real artery clogger.
  14. Today I just bought two KoRn CDs. Follow The Leader/1998 Untitled/Just released on Tuesday I'm listening to them now. Current song: "Dead Bodies Everywhere"/Follow The Leader
  15. Very true, thanks for pointing that out. I can't wait for it...I'm going crazy!!! ...I guess I'll have to change those GTAIV backgrounds I made...because it's been delayed... EDIT:...!!! I edited these ones... AND, I made this new IV Character one... ...Along with a matching one for your PSP...!!! I hope you like em'.
  16. I'm waiting for the Home beta...I guess when Home comes out we wont have to decide whether we should play that or GTAIV.
  17. I thought so too, that it would take place sometime after GTA3. However, if you read the article mentioned above, you will find out that GTA4 is not based on old characters, old storylines or even stores (ammu-nation) . Even though it's a shame, this also leads to a brand new GTA experience. No I was saying I read that there were in another article. That's why I'm confused right now. I'll try to find it. I think this might have been where I read that, but it only said it was "very possible"...not positive. :'(
  18. Didn't Rockstar announce that there would be some returning characters? I could have sworn I read that in a topic in the News section.
  19. Oh yeah, haven't you heard of those kidnapping programs??? They'll suck you right into your computer...WATCH OUT!!! I don't see why they'd make a "WeeWii" while they have the Nintendo DS and shit.
  20. I have the Sims 2 for the PC, PS2 and the PSP. The expansion packs I have are University and Nightlife. I personally don't think the expansion packs are a waste of money because they give a lot of extra stuff and give you more things to do in the game. But currently I don't have the game installed because I need as much memory as I could get. I just can't wait for Sims 3 for the PS3...I hope you could have multiple levels for your house and I hope that there isn't a limit on how much furniture you could have on/in your property.
  21. I meant it wont be DDR with the pad...with the way that it's shown in that video it could be done with a PSP. I said if it was DDR than it wouldn't work on the PSP...sort of made it obvious I assumed you meant you would need a DDR pad to play the game. EDIT: It comes out a day before my birthday, YIPPEE...
  22. I've been looking around the internet for the Driver font, but can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know where I could get it or what the name of the font is?
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