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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Your going down Americans. :P The Irish built America and now we want it back :lol: No seriously, we should have alot of fun when it comes on.

    Dude I'm Irish...and polish, german, austrian...and a whole bunch of other shit...Anyways I'm gonna kill you...in RFOM.

  2. Number 2, It used to be the WWF, F = federation. And the WCW? I watched wrestling when I was like 6-9 years old. And even then I couldn't get over how scripted everything comes across as.

    They had to change it from the WWF to the WWE because there is another organization with the same initials that is a wildlife thing, I didn't quite understand it. And who said it wasn't scripted??? Hell, Vince said countless times that it's scripted. They're not trying to make you think it's real, they're just trying to entertain fans like any other TV show would.

    I've seen these guys get brained over the head with a chair, and get up and walk away with no blood, no nothing. Yeah, reality right there.

    Since when does getting hit with a flat object make you bleed? Now if it were a baseball bat wrapped in barbwire and they didn't bleed after getting hit with that...then yes, I'd say there wasn't any reality in it.

    And this crap with Vince McMahon just proves it. Apparently it's "entertaining" to watch people get blown up and possibly be dead.

    I find it entertaining in movies when the bad guys get blown up...Vince is the bad guy in the WWE Storyline. He even said so.

  3. the characters also appear to have fingers for the first time.

    There were fingers in Vice City Stories, but they were really noticeable in cutscenes.

    Anyway, it was better than the 1st trailer, definitely. It seems the Stallion, Sabre, and motorcycles are back too.

    Speaking of motorcycles. Do you think he puts that helmet on when he goes to ride on a motorcycle or do you think it's something you buy?

  4. But I'm a GTA fan and am totally paying extra for it, it's cool stuff.

    And I'll buy the game again for PC, so Rockstar already has me spending $140 on GTA4 alone in the next 365 days, plus probably $10-$20 more for the DLC.

    I'm getting really obsessive with Rockstar and Grand Theft Auto related stuff and I'm debating on whether or not I should buy two Special Editions and two regular ones. One of each would be for collecting and the other two would be for me to use and compare. I'm also going to buy Vice City Stories and the Trilogy pack for the PS2. So Rockstar might end up getting roughly $350 from me.

    What do you guys think?

  5. Because you have nice game boxes lined up and then you have some big ass duffle bag, or a silver game box (Halo 2 Special Edition), or some huge ass game box (EVERY OTHER SPECIAL EDITION).

    Besides, this thing is 90, I'd rather save the 30. And get the artwork and the music, elseware...

    30? Let me guess...you got the "hook up"...

  6. :dribble:


    I can't wait to get this. :thumbsup:

    Nice find!

    How does it ruin the look of your collection?

    Special Edition video games usually have the same video game case that goes into another case. You could just remove it from the Special Edition casing and place it in your collection.

  7. Well you obviously haven't watched the show long enough to see the Diva mud matches, bra and panty matches and a lot of other shit they have Divas do.

    Wrestling(WWE) is a sport whether you like it or not, so deal with it.

    I don't see why all the people that "Hate" wrestling so much go into the Wrestling oriented topics and go on how they hate it...WHY!?!?!?

    It only causes trouble.

  8. Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't it chris benoit who did the figure 4 leg locks. Damn, my brother used to do them to me all the time, it really hurt. But, sad to hear. Not that i consider myself a wrestling fan as such, but meh...

    Yeah, but he is only one of a good bit of wrestlers that use that. Ric Flair and Triple H use it as well along with others.

  9. I heard that Vince showed up at Raw last night to dedicate the tribute to Chris Benoit. Is that true?

    And the reason I won't watch wrestling is because I think it's dumb. Boxers and UFC guys actually fight, these guys just pretend. And they act like it's real, that's what pisses me off, and then there are some people who think it is. I just cannot get into it.

    Ok, I don't get when people say they hate wrestling because it's fake...TV Shows are fake, movies are fake(unless it's a documentary) and plays are fake...why can't Wrestling be fake?

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