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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Woah! Chris Benoit dead!? My friend was right about it then, That guy was a Legend. It's stupid how they have to all die in the end. I use to think he was a quiet good wrestler until I found it was fake.

    He was a good wrestler and yes, the wrestling is rehearsed...how would that make him a bad Wrestler? They all rehearse their matches so does that make all them bad wrestlers?

  2. But anyways, why should the "Grand Theft Auto" be changed? Rockstar are saying they are making the game different from other GTA's, so I changed the box style a little. Big whoop.

    Well I wasn't saying it had to be that way. I'm personally not used to it like that and yes there might and probably most likely will be a change in the appearance and may not even have the same font. Anyways, you did a good job. I'll post another one that I have in mind that might be another possible look they'll have for the next generation of GTA games.


    Ok, I worked pretty hard on this so please leave comments. Rank them if you'd like.



    Special Edition(No Cover)


    Special Edition(With Cover and regular boxart)


    Special Edition(With Cover)


  3. Yeah, I didn't really believe it either...but read this story from the official WWE site.

    According to lead investigator Lt. Tommy Pope, of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department, in Fayetteville, Ga., the deaths of WWE Superstar Chris Benoit, wife Nancy and son Daniel were the result of a double murder-suicide, WWE.com has learned.

    Benoit failed to appear both at Saturday’s live event in Beaumont, Tx., and WWE’s Vengeance: Night of Champions in Houston Sunday night, after informing WWE of a family emergency. Several curious text messages sent by Benoit early Sunday morning prompted concerned friends to alert Richard Hering, VP of Government Relations for WWE, Inc. Hering, in turn, spoke with Fayette County sheriffs Monday, and requested that they respond to the Benoit residence to check on him and his family.

    Authorities representing the Sheriff’s Department initially had a difficult time entering Benoit’s new Fayetteville home Monday afternoon, which had been guarded by two large German Shepherds roaming freely around the property. Once authorities entered the residence, they quickly located the bodies of Benoit, Nancy and Daniel. WWE was notified of the discovery at approximately 4 p.m.

    At 10 p.m. Monday night, Lt. Pope held a press conference in conjunction with Scott Ballard, the district attorney for Fayette County. The press conference officially ruled authorities’ findings as a double murder-suicide from within the home.

    WAGA, a FOX-owned and operated television station in Atlanta, reported that investigators believe Benoit killed his wife and 7-year-old son over the weekend, then himself on Monday.

    The three bodies have been received by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation’s crime lab, in Decatur, Ga., where autopsies will be performed Tuesday morning. Toxicology reports will not become available for at least two weeks.

    WWE.com has further information relating to both the investigation and the cause of death, but the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department has requested that WWE.com not release any additional details at this time.

  4. I just went to WWE.com and apperently Chris Benoit and his family have been found dead at their home. This, I believe is true. Unlike the Vince McMahon story.

    Why? To say one WWE wrestler is dead is one thing, but to say that a wrestler and his entire family were murdered at their home is a whole nother story.

    Why would you post that here and not the actual WWE topic???

  5. Yeah...I'm a little confused. I fell asleep after work today and I left the TV on the channel Raw was going to be on so it could wake me up and at around 8:30 I loooked and saw "Remembering Chris Benoit". Since I was still really tired I didn't really t understand why it said that and not "Remembering Vince McMahon" and I just fell back to sleep. I just woke back up again about 5 minutes ago and went on the official site. I'm pretty shocked, but it didn't hit me like it did when I found out Eddie Guerrero Died.

    This really screws up the storyline with the whole Vince McMahon thing...What did they say in the beginning? Ehhh Vince is dead and we just found out the whole Benoit family is as well...No one liked Vince so lets have a tribute to Chris Benoit and his family...


    Double murder-suicide

    It has been ruled that the deaths of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel earlier today were the result of a double murder-suicide from within the home. WWE.com will have more as soon as it becomes available.

  6. I used to like that one song were the lead singer like beat boxes in the middle of the song, and the video has like a bunch of bullets or something. Never really liked them that much though.

    On a side note, my friend had a Korn binnie, someone stole it, the idiot who took it was wearing it like a month later... We got it back! :)

    So are you going to get the new CD when it comes out? Which ones do you have?

    Don't have any Korn CD's, don't plan to buy the new one.

    But aren't you a KoRn fan? I don't want non-fans in this topic because it only ends up starting shit. So if you're not a fan, please don't post in here.

  7. Dude, there would be an investigation and what not. If he actually died like that, it would be considered a murder. A murder of a multi-millionaire (or billionaire?) would be reported on the news.

    I thought you checked out WWE.com??? There is a huge investigation.

    Again, I'm not saying this is real, I'm just saying that there really isn't anything that could prove it to of been staged.

  8. I used to like that one song were the lead singer like beat boxes in the middle of the song, and the video has like a bunch of bullets or something. Never really liked them that much though.

    On a side note, my friend had a Korn binnie, someone stole it, the idiot who took it was wearing it like a month later... We got it back! :)

    So are you going to get the new CD when it comes out? Which ones do you have?

  9. Every year the announcers talk about how they're still the number one rated show on TV and people watch it for the storyline and the babes. Everything on TV is fake...so why do you hate Wrestling because it's fake? Makes no sense.

    The McMahon family could have said they didn't want the story on the news if this were real...they have a lot of money, they could pay them a lot to get what they want. Much like Microsoft.

    Well I could point out editing in movies such as Spider-Man 3 so you could sure as hell point out something edited that was created by the WWE.

  10. Actually, it wasn't obvious in the least. And dude, when it comes to collages, bigger usually = better. Why is 800x700 the magic number? Just because it's what you used? Why are there RULES in a topic in the Graphics and Writer's pad? YOU seem to be the one with the problem, all he did was post his collage. So ONE dimension was off by ONE HUNDRED pixels and it wasn't exactly obvious that a Photoshop'd looking black cloaked figure was you...... Big deal.

    Personally, I don't have the time to make a proper collage right now.

    Every time I see you go into one of my topics I think "Oh shit, what now?" Because you, along with Chris82, seem to always pick at every-single-little-thing I say. BACK-THE-F**K-OFF!!!

    I'm trying to make it so people don't make these huge ass collages that go way off the page so I made a size. Then you go on saying that I made it that "just because mine was that size"...then why do userbars have to be the same size??? or affiliates??? People go crazy when they're one pixel off. I'm not the one with the problem. Every time I make a topic or post some where, Chris82 comes in and criticizes the hell outta me and no, it isn't because he's a mod, it's because he's out to f**king get me and it's pissing me off!

    I made those rules because I hate when I request one thing and people go "Ehh I made it this big, whatever."

    Besides that, I knew that as soon as Chris82 started shit with me that the topic would die because he has done that several times to me. If that picture of me in the middle wasn't "obviously" me...then whom did you think it was?

  11. 1. I don't want Photoshop to "squeeze" my logos, and I don't want to crop it either.

    2. How was I supposed to know that the person in all black (whose face you can't even see) is you?

    1. "Squeezing" logos? Just change the size of the image...it's not that hard and the quality doesn't change at all...it actually makes the images look better at times. I think you just wanted to be difficult. It always seems like you're trying to piss me off and I don't think a mod should be doing shit like that.

    2. I thought it was obvious since I basically had all logos up there except for one thing(Me). I guess I'll try to be a bit more descriptive for...people like you(Don't look at this the wrong way).

    Check the new rules above^^^

  12. Ok....then make them as big as you'd like...It's not that hard to resize pictures, but it's obviously hard for you guys.

    You guys also missed the symbolism of the whole thing. You're supposed to place a picture of yourself in the middle.

  13. Create a collage of things you enjoy whether that be music, television shows, movies, food, beverages, weapons beliefs etc. The collage size should be 800X700. Have fun and take your time.

    Here's one I created and I might update it from time to time.


    Whats The DX Files... Just wondering.

    I'm just trying to mix in things that I like, The X-Files and the Wrestling group "DX". Degeneration X always spray painted their name "DX" on stuff and I'm just making it look like they did that. I guess only a wrestling fan would understand. Makes it sorta look like "The X-Files" logo I have in my collage was on a wall and a DX member walked by and noticed the "X" in it and spray painted the D right in front of it...basically it's a joke.

    Anyways, I hope you're working on a collage of your own. It's pretty fun to do.

  14. Look at the first page of this topic and OGTAM has a brilliant Playstation Home section about it. Pretty damn amazing if you ask me (I'm talking about Home and OGTAM's topic :P)

    Also OGTAM I forgot to say can you add Spiderman 3 (Collectors Edition) to my gaming list and I have pre-ordered GTAIV (Special Edition).

    Ok, will do. Thanks for the compliment about my PlayStation Home section, much appreciated. :thumbsup:

    EDIT: Does Spider-Man 3 have online play of any kind?

  15. Guys, have you seen the gaming line-up for winter? It looks absolutely amazing, loads of great games (Including Playstation Home) is coming out.

    Also I will be getting a new bluetooth headset for the weekend, my friend is getting his PS3 so it is going to be great.

    Is home going to be for free or do you have to pay for it? Is it on a system update or do you get it of the store?

    It's a free download on the PlayStation STORE. You'll start off with an apartment and some things to place in it, but you'll have to pay for other houses and things to place in them. They said that there will be PlayStation Home rewards you'll get after you get achievments in certain games and unlock certain items you could place inside your home from games you purchase.


    I'd say do what you were planning on doing to get the PSP because you could get most of the games you could play on your DS and GBA onto your PSP, my friend has done it. There is just so much shit you could do with the PSP, it's awesome.

  16. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the WWE is like an on-going soap opera.

    No shit! But I want someone to come up with visual evidence to prove it was staged.

    OK, well isin't it funny that the only time Vince McMahon is recorded entering his limo (or one of the VERY FEW), it explodes? Why would the camera be following him? Plus, the WWE would be going crazy if it's owner died. There would be more than just one Vince McMahon 3 hour special!

    Actually he is often filmed exiting and entering his limo when he arrives and leaves the arenas. Have you been to WWE.com? They're going pretty crazy.

    I don't think anyone has much visual evidence that his death was staged, but anyone with common sense knows that it was staged.

    I'm not going to upload a video of the explosion and edit myself in near the part where the camera would stop rolling and then keep filming.

    You know the goddamn video was edited. Everything about wrestling is fake. The "death" was just conceived to grab more ratings because nobody gives two shits about WWE.

    No shit it's stagged, but I want someone to point out the edit in the film and not everything in wrestling is fake, you're just not a fan and don't know shit about it. The death was for ratings but Raw doesn't really need better ratings, it has had the highest ratings for the past 10 years.

  17. Eh, I'll post a pic of myself later and you can judge for yourself if you think 130lbs is too much. (Keep in mind I'm about 5'9'')

    Also, I'm eating Goldfish. Love Goldfish. Original flavor owns you.

    Well I'm not saying you're fat or anything, I'm just saying that you weigh a bit more than what I did at your age. I remember that my one friend weighed 160-180 pounds when he was 14 years old...now that's fat.

    I'm still eating those Cheez-its...and when they're gone I'll have to find something else to eat...I hate looking for food...

    I could go for some Goldfish right about now...they're awesome! I like the original and the pizza flavored...mmm...

    I'm about to eat some pizza. From Little Ceasers.

    Little Ceasers is some good pizza. There is this new place at my mall called "Villa Pizza"...it's amazing!!! The pizzas are huge.

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