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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Create a collage of things you enjoy whether that be music, television shows, movies, food, beverages, weapons beliefs etc. The collage size should be 800X700. Have fun and take your time.

    Here's one I created and I might update it from time to time.


    • All collages must be 800X700 pixels or smaller. If it doesn't meet this requirement, don't post it.
    • Have a picture of yourself in the middle of the collage so the things you enjoy surround you in a symbolic sense.

    More rules will be added when I stumble upon some.


  2. happy peanuts soar, over chocolate covered mountain tops, and waterfalls of caramel, dancin nuget in the meadow, sing a song of satisfaction, to the world.what am i eating?happy peanuts soar, over chocolate covered mountain tops, and waterfalls of caramel, dancin nuget in the meadow, sing a song of satisfaction, to the world.what am i eating?


    I'm eating a cheeseburger and some chicken. Seriously, whenever we have fast food I'm like the fattest person in the world. I really only weigh about 130lbs.

    Aren't you only 14??? I weighed like some where in between 90-110 pounds when I was 14.

    SNICKERS!!! I love em'

    EDIT: I'm surprised this topic actually got off. I thought people would over look it or some shit.

    EDIT 2: What happened to the word filters? I don't want to get in trouble if this shit is supposed to be censored...

    So he weighs 15 or so more pounds than you (when you were his age)... Not that big-a-deal....

    If I weighed 90 than that'd be a 40 pound difference. I remember that I weighed 88 pounds when ever I was in wrestling at the age of 13.

    I'm still eating them Cheez-its :thumbsup:

  3. happy peanuts soar, over chocolate covered mountain tops, and waterfalls of caramel, dancin nuget in the meadow, sing a song of satisfaction, to the world.what am i eating?happy peanuts soar, over chocolate covered mountain tops, and waterfalls of caramel, dancin nuget in the meadow, sing a song of satisfaction, to the world.what am i eating?


    I'm eating a cheeseburger and some chicken. Seriously, whenever we have fast food I'm like the fattest person in the world. I really only weigh about 130lbs.

    Aren't you only 14??? I weighed like some where in between 90-110 pounds when I was 14.

    SNICKERS!!! I love em'

    EDIT: I'm surprised this topic actually got off. I thought people would over look it or some shit.

    EDIT 2: What happened to the word filters? I don't want to get in trouble if this shit is supposed to be censored...

  4. I saw the video, it actually shows you that When Mr McMahon steps in the car and closes it, it actually goes onto another part of the video and it explodes. This just shows that all of it's fake and crap.

    What are you talking about? It stays on the same camera. No one has yet to show me visuals of the change or any evidence, besides what websites claim, that the video was edited.

    I was watching the whole thing on Youtube, and the Official WWE website. It actually showed it change a bit, so then the Limo would explode, Mr McMahon would of got out of the car and then the car then exploded.

    Again, no one is showing me any visuals. You're just claiming stuff.

  5. Hmmm.Yes. KoRn great band, their old work is much better then the new stuff, i personally would say Follow the leader is the best album.

    I actually don't have that one, but some of the songs from that CD are on the Greatest Hits Vol. 1 CD.

    Here's a larger picture of the new album cover.


  6. I saw the video, it actually shows you that When Mr McMahon steps in the car and closes it, it actually goes onto another part of the video and it explodes. This just shows that all of it's fake and crap.

    What are you talking about? It stays on the same camera. No one has yet to show me visuals of the change or any evidence, besides what websites claim, that the video was edited.

  7. But Wikipedia could be changed. Hell, you could have changed it. I don't count that as valid information and far from being proof. I'm talking about showing me how they did it using the video of the limo explosion. I analyzed the hell outta it and couldn't find any change in clips.

    Yeah, but see, there are also citations in the Wikipedia article. You see, I also created this news article and this news article just to prove you wrong. <_<

    How devious of you, you've had us all fooled! ^_^

    As soon as i even read the topic title i was like 'who the gently caress actually believes that bullshit this time' and apparently, it's OGTAM...

    and he means prove you wrong as in 'completely destroy your argument' ir. 'vince mcmahon is really dead OMG WTF OMGZZZZ AAAHHH!!!!!!111oneoneone!!!!111ne.

    Fail, to conclude...

    Can't anyone read?!?!?! I already said that I don't believe he's dead. Holy crap!

  8. Wikiwhat? I don't get your point in posting that.



    Wikipedia, do you use it?

    Basically when I make a claim, I try to back it up with information proving it to be true.

    But Wikipedia could be changed. Hell, you could have changed it. I don't count that as valid information and far from being proof. I'm talking about showing me how they did it using the video of the limo explosion. I analyzed the hell outta it and couldn't find any change in clips.

  9. On June 11, 2007, WWE aired a segment at the end of RAW that featured McMahon (in character) entering a limousine moments before it exploded. The show went off-air shortly after, and WWE.com reported the angle as though it were a legitimate occurrence, proclaiming that McMahon was "presumed dead."[5] Although this was the fate of the fictional Vince McMahon character, no harm came to the actual person (that is, his death was part of a storyline).[6][7]


    Lol, wresting is sofa king we todd ed man.

    What?...Wikiwhat? I don't get your point in posting that.

  10. Have you guys watched the video? Watch it and explain to me how they did it. They didn't cut away from it. Give me proof that it was fake using the video.

    I don't believe he's dead either, I just want to hear how you guys think they pulled it off.

  11. KoRn is a rock band that has been around since the early 90's. They've made a total of nine CDs and are currently working on their tenth, which will be released July 31st. I've been a fan of their music since I was in 5th grade (2000) and I'm still a huge fan and in fact, KoRn is one of my favorite bands if not my favorite.

    This topic is just for discussion about KoRn, whether it's about their music or about the individual musicians. I have made a list of topic rules below that I want you to follow so there isn't any post that cause problems or kill the topic. I will add rules if needed.

    Topic Rules:

    • Only post here if you are currently a fan of KoRn.
    • Stay on topic.
    • Do not post anything that is useless to the topic such as "I'm a fan of KoRn" because as I've established in the first rule, if you post here, you're a fan.

    [/td] KoRn Albums:
    kornalbumcover1ch7.jpg [/th]




    "Life is Peachy"



    "Follow the Leader"









    "Take a Look in the Mirror"



    "Greatest Hits Vol. 1"


    "See You On The Other Side"








    KoRn - Making of Evolution

    Starting comment:

    I've just recently found out about their new album and I was able to get their new single "Evolution" and I'm planning on buying Untitled when it's released. I've read that there will be 18 songs on this album and I'm looking forward to see what they're like. If the other songs are anything like "Evolution", I'll be a happy camper.

    So if you're a fan, let's hear what you have to say about KoRn.

  12. Rockstar have confirmed the exact time for the release of the second GTA IV trailer "Looking for that special someone" in their latest broadcast. It will be going live at 12:00PM EDT. That's going to be 5PM in the UK, 6PM for most of Europe, and 2AM in most of Australia, of course your time zone may vary.

    So, get ready for the Internet to explode once again as every single GTA fan in the world attempts to download the trailer at the same time.

    GAY! I'll be working. :'(

  13. Erm, fanboyism isn't a "strong opinion". It's more like a blind opinion. Fanboys completely ignore anything good that the opposition has SIMPLY because it's the opposition. They down-talk and make fun of things simply because it isn't the team/company/person/website/design/store/etc. that they like. That's more than a "strong opinion".

    Well so far every time someone has said that I was acting like a fanboy it was when I was giving an opinion about something. So that's what I've been assuming a fanboy was.

    Back on topic.

    I'm thinking about getting the Godfather: Don's Edtion, but I don't know if it's any good. Could you go online with it?

  14. Come one keep fanboyism low, I was too tired to go and get a headset today, thinking of going on Saturday, might get a game but I dont know which and recommendations?

    What do you expect? This is the official PlayStation 3 topic. It wouldn't make sense if there wasn't "fanboyism" in here. Fanboyism is simply a strong opinion towards something...we're allowed to have opinions.

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