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Everything posted by Ciaran

  1. As we all know now LCS has won the arward for best handheld game so well done rockstar
  2. Ofcourse you like it, you made it lol
  3. The gta place has just gotten 80,000 posts and counting... Talk about the gta place here and what you think of it and stuff
  4. When ever i go too quote underline bold ect.. it says this Script prompt: emter the text to be formatted xxx
  5. yea that veichle was really hard too control, it kept sliding all over the place
  6. Oh but it's still good though, that would be good for sea missions
  7. Yes and it kind of looks like a bigger and better golf cart with 6 wheels
  8. There is a new car out which appears that it can go on water? what do you think of it?
  9. I have reserved it but i did that about 1 month ago What have you done
  10. I wouldnt care if the xbox had more missions for gta:4, im for sony and also how could sony be beat by microsoft, sony will have something
  11. That would be hard to catch a hunter
  12. Does anyone know if the hunter has changed, proably not though
  13. You mean the second pic? Now that you say it, it could be. Maybe an upgraded version, like they did upgrade the rocket lancher Yeah, the rocket launcher looks smaller and easier to carry. Yes i wonder if any other weapons or upgraded,maybe the sniper woa more than 4 quotes
  14. Yea that red one is a little bit weird
  15. I dont really like that show, i watched it a couple of times and i didnt like it
  16. Yea orange only happen at dusk
  17. The night time picture is the best
  18. 15 hours? But like who would play it non stop
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