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Everything posted by Ciaran

  1. Ciaran


    Those are some good vids
  2. In one video does Lance Vance look a bit like a geek beacuse he is wearing glasses and he is getting bullied by his bro vic vance? Bu then in VC he looks all cool and such
  3. ahh yes, but dont you think that red ballons is kind of a child thing?
  4. I have made a gang called the LCF gang. I want to have some good sigs and banners for our members. So can i have a person too make these things. You will get: Money for each one you make Get a free membership(if you want it) plus the satisfaction of helping other people But i want to see some examples first beacuse i dont know what to do, So could people make examples with my name in it and use the gangster theme plus dont make it too big. Just bascily make a gang sig, examples start now Thanks
  5. Gangsta because i just like that whole of theme
  6. I thought they would of just used the normal hidden packages
  7. Mark866 why are you using the LCF sig and avatar, those are for members only
  8. Yes i think that to, plus you might have too unlock certain islands too play certain games
  9. I only know of the Golfing mini game and the new one Beach Patrol. What do you think of these? or any others whcih comes out
  10. yes, i think that too but i havent played gta:vc in a long time so i cant be certain
  11. Trailer Park Mafia? i never heard of that gang before Trailer Park Mafia? i never heard of that gang before
  12. Since I am from N. Ireland i would like to see a united Ireland, Plus i have nothing against the British, i like them mostly their tv. But this question is probaly for UK people but other people can say their thoughts. So would you like a United Ireland, N. Ireland on its own or keep it as the UK.
  13. Does anyone watch my name is earl? I think its good, it is funny and has a good plot to it.
  14. Im a really big LOST fan, does anyone know when season 3 is out in the UK?
  15. Yea i would like too see all of those people aswell
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