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Everything posted by CHEW-GUN

  1. " I'm sure it was Diaz who iced my brother" People, do you need to play VC again. Lance says it himself, right before getting on a heli to shoot some a**holes on prawn island with Tommy. Ring A Bell?
  2. Course you can. Just download the mod and flip the censor. It realy easy. I think we got one here on thegtaplace.com Yea, we do. Have fun.
  3. Yea, thanx for that, but i'll still have to do some research. I worked with Zmodeler before, but 3dMAx is kinda complicated, or maybe thats cause i havent used it yet. I have seen it though. Thanx for the info. I'll find what I can and maybe soon I'll submit some mods for THE GTA PLACE. This site is my fav so far
  4. OK. I have been doing some modding my self lately, and must I say , I know now what a pain it is, so all of you modders out there- I salute you. Yet o the other side if you are a fanatic, you enjoy it. I know I do. To the point. I was wandering if anyone knows if it is actually possible to change an appearence of one bulding into a totaly different one. I mean I get the modeling ii part, but will the game react to it OK, with no crashes. IF anyone knows and has done things like than, please reply. I've got great modds under way,but aint quite sure if I should keep on modeling. P.S. If you know any good tools for this kind of mess, give me a tip.
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