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Everything posted by CHEW-GUN

  1. Heil Spaz, sometimes you make people think you gonna take over Chris' throne.Are you??



    seriously people,do what YOU want. I have had sex maybe more with just girls from than true girlfriends and find nothing bad about it. But ye, Jace is sorta rite,it is by religion mean for babies or at least when youre MARRIED.
  3. I dun know about that one, BUT this one does.http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/search.asp?lowprice=500.00&highprice=999.99&keywords=Direct%20X%2010&cat=&mnf=
  4. here, follow this link and see for your self that by 2008 the graphics cards will be TOP NOTCH for current time. The first Nvidia is pricey too. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/Se...mp;cat=&mnf=
  5. I think u CAN use all the abouve, only remmember not to let us see the car spawning during the vid. But yeah,u can use it for your own advantage, in fact everyone is. U only don't show it in the video so it wont be a like"oh,thats how he did it" Personally, i'd be well bored by now without these. I suggest you talk with SLAYER about it, hes really into it. he helped me.
  6. Ahha,my summer ride is deffinetly 'ol Charger.Rips the street mean.
  7. wow, I never thought of using Sanny Builder. I will surely dig through(even though I stink at coding) NOw I just ahve to find a way to change the number you talked about, but for Hydra.
  8. ahh,pfft Britney is train wreck, and NO she won get better or be back. gosh,she does wat she wats, so lets pretend we're not interested. Or wait until she runs out of money
  9. I didn't expect mine to be THAT fast,but alrite, I ahve nothing to complain about though. Still, wats it like for people with 4000kb/s+???
  10. TO JACE: The link is http://gta.gamigo.de/download.php?do=download&id=9897 and as far as I know, it can only be used with the original GTA shammal. But i'm not yet compleetely sure.I had a couple of crashes. But no luck with main.scm though, I tried opening it with notepad, and it all a buch of weird writing. Mission editor wont work either. One idea I just had was trying to contact the maker of Shammal Missle mod. Maybe he can share sum secrets. But thats all so far.
  11. Alright guys,its been my goal to to do this,with no luck so far. I was wandering if anyone know a way to change how rapid the missiles on Hydra are released. For all I know, It IS possible. I downloaded a Shammal Missile mod from gta.gamigo.de and when used, the missles rocket out like insane. Now its all great,yes,but half of them u launch actually explode. Wat i assume is the author edited the main.scm and script.img. Is there an scm editor or something like that?? And to add up to all that, I think thats where the planes speed could be tuned. Not sure though.
  12. awesome vid Slayer. i'm a fan of ur stunts. and the bad camera angles aren't that noticable.
  13. Ok,ok, i think R* putting in a female as a main character would kinda ruin the whole tradition. I mean look at the top of the GTAPlace.com page. U see what? oh thats right,DUDES. I have nothing against women, and love my gf, but it just wouldnt feel right playing as the chick. I think will should just let them do what they are best at-Being extremely sexy. Here something- u playing as Female, going to strip club. apparently, guys are strippin and "U" will be watching that(considering most here are dudes,if not all)?ok,maybe u wont go, but wouldn't it ruin the GTAIV comercial??? and wat about them carriying big guns like Rluncher???
  14. oh darn, i still ahve a long haul.
  15. CHEW-GUN


    OK Dazza, first of all, the answer is, "it feels better than anything you have ever experienced" I had my first at 16(which i still am) and I think its the most common age for guys to "jump in" 14 mite be early, but hey, if I was 14, and my gf wanted to, i'd go 4 it. As for condoms, c'mon people, in US, u don even have to buy those, they give 'em for free, just so not to mess wit unwanted pregnancy. U got a gf,rite??? yes? she wants to?? uuuum, its up 2U. luck matie.
  16. well first of all, thats not how you spell RUSSIA!! itsa disgrace to mother land of mine. Seconds, N.Korea is likely or Iran, but then do YOU or ANYBODY really knows?? Its only a matter of time. So If I have a nuclear bomb waking me up the next morning, thats just the way it has to be. Can't do anything about it.
  17. whoa, thanx StuntX, i never thought of that before/I'll see wat i can do they have wheel packs here, right?? oh damn, they are here all along Rockstar Games/Gta San Andreas/models/generic.kk now I have to find transfender wheels
  18. Yea, i think you'll pull it off just fine. Have you guys heard of a QUADCORE??? Its from Intel, and its like four micro proces in one. Idk if its in production yet, but i read about it in Wall Street Journal. no,not a paper reader, but work there and just saw the headline.
  19. Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows the img(or other file) name that has the transfender wheels, so I could recolor (or at least try to) them for better looking ones. the plain grey color is kinda boring now. and heres another since were at transfender- is it possible to change the amount of height dropped when buying hydraulics??? So thanx ahead, for any help. I appreciate all answers.
  20. Naw,no return. Probably a chance of an apperance in the game sinematics,but i dont think R* will return one of them as main character. But one thing for sure, it be way cool if you got to work with one of them(tommy preferably) side by side.
  21. Take a long look at my pc and say NO. WWYUI If you got castrated
  22. gaming does have some effect on peoples mind, but the thing is that there are some poeple who can't control it. or at least thay have mental problems
  23. someone should try no cheats and more killing. i know it works that way. these are all the ratings. Highest is 1,000,000 Playa-hater Scandalous Off-Brand Bitch-made Crackhead Vic Square Civilian Rat Snitch Dry Snitch Transformer Punk-ass Bitch Sucka Poot Butt Buster Mark Chump Trick Red-headed Peon Pee-Wee Prankster Fool Street Cat Thug Hustler Playa Playa Partner Mack Pimp Crime Partner Homeboy Homie Road Dawg Hoodsta Hard-ass 'Banger Lil' G Loc Shooter Foot-soldier Hoo-rider Soldier Hawg Gangsta Ghetto Star Monster Big Homie Boss Hawg Shot Caller OG High Roller Four-Star General Godfather King of San Andreas
  24. I think you should just simply reinstall if you haven't yet. and hows your video card??? new,old,high-end???
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