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Jimmy-526 last won the day on January 5 2016

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About Jimmy-526

  • Birthday 01/01/1997

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  • Favourite GTA
    Liberty City Stories
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  1. I still check this place time and again to see what's what. It's a shame that GTAG and GTAWh are not longer in service. GTAForums is the most active forum these days. It's been 8 years already for me on this website. Time passes really quick I guess. Complete High School, College, Uni and finally settled down with a job these days.
  2. Really exciting changes so far. The PC version's gonna be great.
  3. The delay was much expected anyway. They did the same with Max Payne 3. As for the recommended specs, very sure that my PC will run it.
  4. Well, I don't have any active warnings but expired ones, worth 2 points. I should be a zero now. But, my postbit says 4 Points. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. I just updated my Mods today and it still shows the old date when they were updated. Also, the downloads database shows my old Display Name. Is there a way of fixing these?
  6. What host are you using? And not really, but I have seen 600K Post Forums running on VPS. And, Hostgator offers good dedicated hosting. I and friend have been using them for years. If you've good budget, then you can do a switch, when you want.
  7. I suggest you switch to a VPS and install Cloudflare.
  8. Not exactly San Francisco, but we may expect something from SF, atleast familiarity.
  9. It's Los Santos. Rockstar did confirm it last year. And no mention about SF at all. Although sources show Mount Chillad, Countryside & Desert.
  10. Purely a jeep. The layout seems like Mesa Grande or a similar model.
  11. Well, you need to improve this theme. It should look better with a GTAV layout.
  12. Yikes. This is beginning to sound difficult. Any chance I could pay someone to do it? btw, here's my model if anyone is curious... http://www.prtproject.com/PRT.zip gary Most likely this has to be personal. Do you know to take Gameplay Video records?
  13. I'll suggest another way. Yot can use a few car Mods with San Andreas and you can use the DYOM Mod by Dutchy3010 and PatrickW to make Video Cutscene and use Fraps to record it. This is the simpliest way.
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