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Everything posted by tx3000

  1. I already told you when someone feels like explaining the layout around ZModeler to me I will be more than happy to write one up. I can't write a tut with no info to go on, and as you well know, from the way you have been following me around like a lost puppy, that I know, you are aware that I have said more than once, that someone needs to explain to me how to mod dff files. So why are you following me around being stuipd?
  2. I have only created 3 topics regarding this 1 for each specific problem, all the rest have been replies to people's questions And regarding this ROFLCOPTER Simple solution to you're problem....STOP COMING INTO MY TOPICS Besides why are you getting pissed because I am stating the truth and anyways I did create one topic but then it gets filled with useless info take you're reply in this for a prime example Why are you taking up topic space with useless info about you're complaining when it can be used with someone else who actully can answer my questions and if you noticed I have not responded to this until you made a comment. My questions are legit and real and if you noticed I have not created any new ones these have been left alone for people to post answers in
  3. I am helping him out more than you are by telling him not to waste his time because the information you are goiving him is not correct. How are you helping someone by telling them to go somewhere for help where there is none. all that is going to do is bring him right back to this forum and wind up asking the same kind of question Whenever I correct one of you people with fact you get all pissy at me like I did something wrong.
  4. That won't do him or anyone else good I have been all over that site on every page and there is nothing there at all that explains on how to mod a .dff file BTW if there are no .dff modders here then what the hell are all these mods that were created by the people here doing up on this site for then... My point is that if there are no .dff modders on this site then there should also be no mods hosted here made by the people that belong to this site either If there are mods made by the people on this site then there are .dff modders here as well
  5. I have proven and this proves that idiot instructions can be written You have done it in here I have some other questions regarding something else I'm going to PM you with. If you can help me with something both of us may be on to something because I have an idea (Actually my head is swarming with ideas regarding modding) but 1st I need to see if you can help me with something...
  6. Tell your parents to read my reply There are 2 ratings for this game. because there are 2 versions of this game A (Which is 1st edition) and M 2nd edition A= Adults only M= Mature The only reason for the A rating is because of a programming code that has been long removed and that all past current releases in te last 3 months as well as any future Releases are no longer rated A...they are all M Besides you need to know someone that has the computer code unlock feature in order to get ahold of it because you can't just play the game and have it show up...its locked in the programming and needs to be unlocked via a computer program that you need to run you're game save through and is obsolete at this point because even if you do get the computer proogram to unlock it and you have 2nd edition the game save will not work Games don't really have whats called an R Ratiing they use the letter M...M in game terms is the exact equal as R in Movie terms If they let you have and play GTA III and or Vice city then whats the big deal now - This game is just a bigger version of those 2 One of the reasons people I know that play this game is because its a stress reliever because the beauty of this game is that it allows you to do all the stuff you cannot do in real life in a game and as long as you understand its a game then there really is no problems And if you look at the game along those lines it actually is a healthy release The fact of the matter is that this game isn't really too far off from the truth in the fact of the story line.....crooked cops, hit and runs, crookeed poloticians, comedians.... Listening to a radio station is basically like going to a comedy club with a comedian thats rated R Besides there are games that actually surpass this level of violence (I.E Mortal Kombat, DOA, Any fighting game, Racing games such as Burnout revenge) its just that this game happens to be the one being focused on more than the others so of course like anything else focused on its going to get an image whether good or bad..and that image is what ones opinon of it is I hope you're parents read this reply because these are just the plain facts
  7. Because this is a San Andreas modding forum not anything esle Yes I can go to the main forum but you still have not been specific about what you wanted to see?
  8. Here we go with the "Unless you want to get banned" Comments Chris read my signature: There is a reason why my signature says what it does its because of moderators such as yourself that start singling me out for what others do.. No offense but after you read what I have posted below then can you tell me exactly waht it is that i did differently that others have not done? 1) Everything I have posted is well within guidelines of TOS All my topics like this are not of the same product I have made various topics regarding different items 2) Just because no one answered me or you don't know doesn't mean that someoen here doesn't know the answer to what I want 3) You mods are the ones complaining that the forum gets flooded with how to questions well all I did was offer a solution 4) If you are trying to tell me that Im going to get banned then I should also see you say something that creates another how do I mod question. Because If you are saying soemthing about me doing it then everyone else from this point on will be doing the exact same thing that you are speaking to me about. Me posting this is the same thig as someone not reading the gudelines you people have pinned to read before posting..... 5) For the record, this is the 1st time anyone has mentioned anything to me regarding this specific issue and I should go try elsewhere for INSTRUCTIONS and that I probably will not get an answer here..That being said then fine not a problem.. I will seek answers elsewhere and check my topics for answers
  9. What I'm about to lay out is simple to answer and neccessary: 1) There are no instructions ANYWHERE AT ALL (on the Zmodeler site, in the readme that comes with the z-modeler download, or anyplace else for that matter) That explain what base options in Zmodeler to use in oder to be able to alter and or create you're own mods. Turns out that the only people who can answer this, are the people who have already constructed mods with ZModeler or the people who got lucky. But other than that, without this crucial missing information then this is hopeless for the people who don't know that want to be able to start creating and or altering their own mods. These unknown/missing steps MUST BE EXPLAINED BY SOMEONE WHO ALREADY KNOWS HOW AND ALREADY USES THESE OPTIONS because without them, then you will be guessing for at least 6 months on what to do and how to do it. 2) I have always had issues with people who post up tools and then not tell them how to use it. You may as well not post up the tool. Having the tool you can't use because of lack of instructions is the same exact thing as not having it. It can't be used either way And I think its completly bogus for people to try to use a lame cop out excuse by saying things lik e"Well we do this in our spare time" or crap like that..... So what all this is doing is creating more problems and or questions on a forum and making the people who really want to use ths more and more aggrivated....All this does is make things harder and creates more work for everyone when it all could have been avoided by simply posting a simple how to manual Lets face it, 98% of the questions that revolve around modding with the ZModeler are all how to questions Obviously you can't tell someone how to mod..Thats absurd...but you can tell them what the options do and what base ones get used by everyone as well as how to actually import something, what options get used to do this and what options get used once its in there and then how to save it as whatever it needs to be saved as..ther are so many little things that wuold solve so many of the forums problems its not even funny You can't even begin to learn how to start changing the way things look in something like Zmodeler unless someone explains what options get used in order to be able to start being able understanding it. I mean seriously look at this topic and see how simple and easy to follow it is. Instructions like this can and need to be made for a program like Zmodeler Well I think i have made my point
  10. Also don't forget to tell him that no one has explained and there are no instructions anywhere on what base options in an editor are used by all moders to be able to start modding Which in turn makes modding even harder to be able to do You can't even begin to learn how to start changing the way things look unless someone explains what options get used in order to be able to start understanding it I'm sorry but this base knowledge MUST BE EXPLAINED BY SOMEONE WHO ALREADY USES THESE OPTIONS other than that you will be guessing for at least 6 months
  11. Good job Looks like someone other than me understands how to write proper instructions Instructions like this are what's needed for things like adding mods like the flying/powers code into the SCM Because right now its written so only the people with the same comprehention level of the person that wrote it can understand it. Instructions like the ones posted here show anyone how to do it not just a handfull of people If not keep making replies in it so it stays bumped Anyway instructions this simple and detailed are what cause the how to problems to stop
  12. 1st off I didn't say I wrote over 200 FAQ's 2nd off I can't go posting non GTA stuff in here. Tell you what, here is a small list of stuff I did tell me what you want and I will Either E-mail it to you or figure out something else HEX Editing the Morrowind.xbe (Was on X-Box.com) Mod conversion for Morrowind form the computer to the x-box (Was on X-Box.com) The Idiots guide on how to mod fable (Was on Fablemod.com) The upgraded idiots guide on how to mod fable (Was on Fablemod.com) Walk through for resident evil Zero's Leech Hunter (I have the only walkthrough in existance personal projec only sent to 3 people) GTA III Hacks (!st hacks of its kind on what you see people changing now Link above) Is still on x-box saves.com GTA III Codebreaker and Warp points for all hideouts and various areas no one was able to hack (I Forget where these were or still are posted) Dungeons and Dragons heroes Cheat codes (Still on Gamefaqs.com) Diablo 2 Hero editor hacking guide (Personal project given out to some people) And If I can Find them - The 100% Complete and acurate Mortal Kombat Trilogy Strategy Guide (Was on xbox.com) The complete acurate move listing for Motal Kombat Deadly Alliance (Was on xbox.com) The complete 100% Move List, Conquest Solution and secrets Guide (Was on xbox.com) An almost completed PSX diablo programing Source code (Personal Never posted Own project) GTA Secrets guide PS2 Code veronica Gameshark modifier code listing for both the crate slots and for the character as well (These were on Gameshark.com but were removed because they got pissed that I out did them and I got warned for it) Universal GBA Joker command Code adn the Modifying Digits (These were on Gameshark.com but were removed and I got banned because they said these were "Illegal Codes" Well let me know
  13. Ok fair enough let me explain And I don't have to explain how to use this either because I didn't create the program..If I created the program and then pulled this after what I was saying then I woudl be contradicting myself But the insstructions for this ARE in the download Besides he didn't ask how to use this program, he asked where to get it from
  14. You seem to keep missing the point Even as many icons and buttons in ZModeler there are only a small handfull of the functions and screen set up will get get used by all moders...It's a base fact that all modders use all of the same basic functions when editing - Some will go off an use other various functions but the base amount thats used by anyone that mods are all still the same And that's what you make the manual on...all the base functions So far only the people who already know what functions to use in the modeler can answer this. If you want to explain to me what icons are used in the z-modeler I will be more than happy to piece together an idiots guide to ZModeler You obviously have no clue that I am probably in the top 3 if not the best guide writer on the net I usually have my stuff downloaded over 1000+ times and no one ever asks how to use anything in them...ever I know exactly what I'm talking about. If I say it can be done it can be done and I always back that up So as I already said, You explain to me the how to around the z-modeler I will put a manual together in the likes of something you could not possibly say can be done...I will bank on it
  15. I smell someone trying to call my bluff...LOL Seriously though Yeah sure what do you want to see...I may need to repost some of it (Due to bad and or broken links now) but I keep almost all of my work let me know what you want to see and I will either repost it or find it for you. For starters try these 2 examples: This one came from this site on how to use the GXT editor http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6932 Here is the date proof showing proof that I was the 1st one to add in colors to a GTA game as well as mod most of the files everyone is editing now.... http://xboxsaves.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php...ile&id=2962 I just looked and someone downloaded this today I was not aware people were still downloading this If you want to go ahead and take a real good look at the date this was posted and the readme I wrote for this These are just 2 of my works..As I said I have more and to let me know Yes I have gone there thank you anyway though BTW before you ask I don't mind writing guides and manuals for things But I need to know what I'm writting about and what needs to be done--do this for me and I can have a how to manual from start to finish in about a 1-2 weeks depending on what it is Just to clarify I also should have mentioned that the aircrack and airsnort manuals I am not writting anymore. I stopped after I found out that they are Linux Based---I only write stuff for windows
  16. According to my topic this is not what I said. Try reading what is actually put instead of making things up and then trying to enforce them as fact I suggest you go read my topic again very very carefully then edit your response accordingly because what you are saying I said isn't even close to what I was talking about needs to be done Thank you and have a nice day Nice try though
  17. You obviously don't realize that I have written over 200 FAQ'S, Guides, manuals, modification packages, and walkthroughs on how to mod, and hack, I have done what capcom, brady games said couldn't be done I have hacked a universal Code that works with almost every GBA Game in existance I hacked the rest of the PS2 GS codes for Code veronica X adn fixed what Gameshark.com messed up I was the 1st one to hack a color into a GTA game and I have the dates to where its posted to prove that I have written the idiots guide on how to mod fable and the use of its tools (I did in 1 week what that site couldn't do in 6 months) I wrote and created the morrowind modding and install guide and was one of the leading people on a forum that dealt with mods I started writing a manul for the installation and running of AIRcrack and AIRSNORT I have hacked into the programming code for PSX Diablo (Not codes to use but I hacked the game programming itself and know how to manipulate it) I must have had at least 600 hackers all tell me the same exact thing you are telling me, and I proved everyone of them wrong because I went ahead and did what they can't be done So please don't start telling me what can and can't be done I know this can be done besides it's not to difficult to post up a pictured tutorial showing what buttons do what in Zmodeler or whatever is being explainedTis is the type of instruction that needs to be posted because right now when I open ZModeler And import a .dff I'm now stuck as to what the hell I need to click or any settings I am supposed to be using in order to manipulate the image I have in there...On top of that how the hell do you create a txd out of this for use with the .dff...... All this stuff can and should be explained when posting a tool... No you are not mixing me up with someone else, you are mixing up what I said I never said I was against modding I said something else refering to copyrights to a mod People want to disagree with this and don't get the simple concept that unless something you want to protect is paid for, by not only patent, but copyright as well WITH proof of the proper federal doucumentaion, then it does not matter who uploads a mod into the net for a free download (Which you can't sell mods anyway) it becomes free reign at that point and anyone can do anything they want to it and host it where they want without permission (Including not giving credit) because owning somehting is one thing and owning the rights to something are 2 entirely different things Is it immoral yes...is it ilegal no
  18. I was going through the forums and I found this reply referring to someone asking how to change something in zModeler or some other dff editor Are you kidding me? No one knows how to write instruction manuals that you can follow regarding this stuff that I can find or follow People that give answers like this and the people who post tools and or refer to what to use but then not explain how to use them, are the reason every single forum revolving around modding are so messed up and topcs like this are constantly being created You may get a small handfull of people who understand it, but those are the people who already have base lined knowledge of how to use this stuff.. Which doens't give people the right to say well others understand it why can't you the fact of the matter is its not that simple.... For example you cna get Zmoldeler and try opening up a file in that but then you run into this: How do I unlock a file Why can't I import a file How do you import a file What the hell am I looking at and the list goes on and on So as you can see saying to get ZModeler and import the files into it create a whole new list of questions and then some If people are going to post tools and tell people to get stuf then THEY ARE THE ONES RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING SURE EVERY SINGLE LITTLE DETAIL FOR THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE ALSO POSTED WITH IT People that do this are the ones actually causing the forum to flood with the same types of questions All someoen needs to do is to post up instructions that EVERYONE CAN FOLLOW (Not just a small group can follow)-- If not then don't complain that the forum is being flooded just because you are being lazy and or understand what you posted then automatically think that everyone else should also Why don't you just post this instructions on what needs to be done, what you need to get and provide the links on where to get the stuff, instead of this generic answers that people keep giving that get people no where I would do it but I have z-modeler and the unlock program but even I have no clue to what does what in z-modeler and there are no instructoions that I can find anywhere to even start hinting at what I need to do to change something Don't try to turn this around like we are lazy and don't want to look...Well I have looked and everything I read doens't answer my question of how do you edit a mod because there is noth8ing written about what I'm asking anywhere that i can find, and for the record I have searched at at least 50 sites and read over 100 FAQS's and can find nothing...so its others responsibility to provide the answer THERE IS NO POINT IN POSTING SOMETHING AND THEN NOT EXPLAINING HOW TO USE IT...THIS DOES AND SOLVES NOTHING AS WELL AS CREATES NOTHING BUT MORE PROBLEMS AND MORE CONFUSION THAN ANYTHING
  19. Mission creator? There is no such thing. There is a mission editor if that what you are talking about: http://www.gtagaming.com/pafiledb.php?acti...load&id=966
  20. tx3000


    Actually the easiest way is to do what wolfboy above said to do.. Simply copy the whole .img file
  21. tx3000


    Ok, but, how does that solve his problem of not having the originals?
  22. tx3000


    Why is it that I keep making a fool out of you Tilly? Every single response you give over looks what the person is asking for help with. For example this response of yours where you said to just replace it with another mod..... Did you forget the fact that, even if he replaces the mod, and it works---He still doesn't have the original files (Which is what he is looking for) you goof
  23. There are way too many people asking for the answer to this question for a topic like this to not be created and no one seems to either want to answer or answer it in such a manor that most people can follow due to un-neccessary information and instruction being given.. Well this topic solves that problem FOREWARD: I found out the reason why there are way too many people asking how to use the GXT editor to change the name of something in the game. It's because the person who created the GXT editor is a complete idiot (Hammer in this case) to post up a tool without instructions as to how to use it. As it is now, the way the instructions are posted on how to use this tool in order for you to change a name of something you need have to edit every single file in the game that uses the name you wnat to change, on top of that the instructions that are posted on this are not only un-neccessary but are causing way too many how do I use this Questions. In fact i'm still trying to get an answer as to why one person who was trying to explian this to me said to open up the handling.cfg and change the name in there....WTF I found out that if change what was told to me to change by this idot...the game will lock up So I have removed all the crap and stuck to the basics on what needs to be done in 10 simple easy to follow steps that anyone can follow. ___________________________________________________ I will change Infernus to Mclaren using the picture that someone colored and gave to me for easier following: NOTE: THIS GXT EDITOR WORKS ON ANY VERSION OF THE .GXT File: COMP, X-BOX, or PS2 And this proceedure I have described below is the same for all 3 I see people saying you need to save stuff into the ini file and all this other un-neccessary crap JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR----YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE TO HAVE THE INI FILE REMEMBER ANYTHING IN ORDER FOR THIS TO SHOW UP..IN FACT YOU DO NOT NEED THE INI FILE FOR ANYTHING IF YOU FOLLOW THE 10 SIMPLE STEPS BELOW. YOU ONLY NEED THE GXT EDITOR AND THE GXT FILE AND TO REMEMEBER WHAT YOU CHANGED...NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS, NOTHING ELSE Use this picture for the following instructions: 1) Open the GXT file 2) Click Search and use the find value option, type the name Infernus and click find next (The find name option does not work when typing the actual name of something) 3) This will locate infernus which will be displayed in 2 areas, the blue section in the bottom and the green section on the right 4) You want to edit what's in the green section so change Infernus to Mclaren 5) Next go to the entry tab at the top of the editor select, rename. 6) A rename entry box will pop up that says enter a new name entry box (In this case it would be E7E843FF because I am using Infernus as the example) 7) Ignore everything and just click OK 8) Next go down to the blue section and right click on the word Infernus. Ignore the box that pops up that has the 3 sort by options in it 9) Next go to the top of the editor underneath the edit option there is a disk Icon - Click that 10) Once the icon goes blank (Like it is in the picture above) all you need to do is close out the GXT editor and then you are done You use these same 10 steps to change any name you want to whatever you want. Now as you can see, there was no need to open up anything else, change other vaues or do whatever anyone else is saying to do, and there was no need to keep anything in the .ini file either There I hope that helps
  24. tx3000


    Yes re-install the game
  25. Tilly don't try to turn this around ok. it doesn't matter the way the keys are configured. Saying he pressed EVERY KEY MEANS EXACTLY THAT.....EVERY KEY..(This would unlock numberlock even if it was on.. But the bottom line here is that you told him to do something that he EXPLICITLY already said he did and I called you on it and you can't handle it....End of story
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