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Everything posted by tx3000
Why the hell would you tell him to do that after he just got done saying he pressed EVERY key on his keyboard and nothing happened.. Saying he pressed every key on his keyboard would mean the numberpad as well I love stupid people
Sorry but there is a little bit more to it than that. And on top of that some of them will still work even if you do not save them as VCXBOX I know this for a fact and not every mod will work using the save to VCXBOX feature there is 1 or 2 other steps you need to do. I can give you mods that will not work using that proceedure I can get every single mod I want working - I almost have the bigfoot mod converted to work on the x-box as well.... BTW if you are interested I can give you a link to about 97 SA xbox mods that I myself already set up to go.
Why do people ask everyone else except the one person who actually can do it, knows how to do it and has done it already? This is regarding someone wanting X-Box Mods I have every single comp mod I have ever downloaded (About 98 in total) working on the x-box. I created a topic about 5 or so days ago mentioning that I can help anyone that wants to do this and no one paid any attention to it. Now I see a topic up asking for help on the exact thing I offered help with 5 or so days ago that got ignored. People sometimes make no sense whatsoever!
Which charater from VC is now in SA
tx3000 replied to ThePunisher's topic in General GTASA Discussion
Thats going to be kind of hard considering everyone in GTA isnt real they are all pixeled animation Just thought I woud point out that flaw in you're question -
I have always had people argue that cheats don't cause a game to have problems I said they do some people agree some don't but regardless of whether you disagree or not, take a look at the long tedeous test me and 14 other people did to varify proof cheats mess up you're game.. If cheats didn't mess up you're game then can someone please explain to me how all 14 of us had the same exact results every single time we did the same exact thing...this is not a coincidnece...this is sheer fact...you cannot have this many people do the exact samething every single time and get the same exact result every single time unless its fact.. _________________________________ How we did this test: I have the X-Box Version with the 1st edition copy and decided to do a test by breaking into the airport and getting my pilots license before doing taxi missions. Also did this with 2nd edition as well and the outcome was the same every single time. I was still able to do taxi missions. At 1st I thought it was a fluke but I had 14 other of my friends try it on their systems as well also with 1st edition on their X-Boxes. Whether using 1st or second edition We were all still able to do the taxi missions under these conditions every single time. HOWEVER I got the idea to enter button cheats to test this theory out even further. Well We all went along as usual and ONLY AFTER ENTERING button cheats all 14 of us ran into the same problem we were not able to do taxi missions under the conditions we just tested this on. And to further back this up we created 2 different saves then we entered button cheats on one and left the other save alone - After enetring button cheats on one save only -- when we loaded the save that cheats had not been used on all 14 of us ran into the same exact problem --- Even on a save we had not used cheats on but used chats on another say Not one of us could do taxi missions under the tested conditions Conclusion Even if you yourself have not used cheats someone else may have without you're knowledge and thats what causes the problem 14 people testing this with the exact same result avery single time the exact same thing was done is not just some bizaare coincidence You people can argue and disagree with this all you want, but the fact remains 14 people had the same thing happen to them all by doing the exact same thing every single time
Chris why and how are saying that not one of my 7 points don't have to do with his problem. Even though point 3 does have something to do with his problem and covers the answer you gave. HMM looks like number 3 covers what you mentioned Chris So why are you saying nothing I said covers this aspect of it? Where did you get that from? I don't get you people sometimes?
Yes I do. If the game is crashing its because of one or a combination of the following: 1) You are not deleting you're catche 2) You are using mods that are already converted to GTA III or VC in SA without converting them 1st 3) You are trying to use the wrong version mods in the wrong version game 4) You somehow managed to put the wrong .img file into SA 5) A file or files in the data folder is edited wrong or its not edited at all 6) You are not manualling installing them and using the installer to do so 7) You are missing a file somewhere and don't know it Thats All I can think of off the top of my head you're problem most likely lies at on of these four: 1, 2, 3, or 5 Let us know what happens
Sorry I misunderstood what you were asing. I read it a little too fast and thought you were asking which one was the sniper rifle the mps or sniper rifle...Don't ask how I got that out of what you asked? To answer part of you're question, the weapon.dat I believe only controls the damage, how you hold it, how many rounds, things like that. I do not belive the weapon.dat controls the sound...I beleive the sound is controled by another file just like the sounds for vehicle mods you download As for what file controls the sound...Sorry I cannot help you there I could be wrong about this but I don't think I am
Something is only as complex as the instructions written for it...I have proven this every single time regardless of how complex people thought a program was. I have started breaking down the process for using Zmodeler and when I am done I will post a how to manual....It's going to take me some time though
Who was the first to die? Wizzy or Ryder
tx3000 replied to ThePunisher's topic in General GTASA Discussion
2 things 1) Gizzy did (In the order of the story line at least) 2) Who cares -
Who would win in a fight tommy or CJ
tx3000 replied to ThePunisher's topic in General GTASA Discussion
For the record - I am neither a hardcore tommy or CJ fan I simply layed out statistics -
Edit - You are not the same Chris sorry
ROFLCOPTOR....Well at least I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that found this program useless
Yep thats right I bash any program I spend this much time with trying to get it to work and people want to keep the instructions a huge black bag seret as if their life depended on it and that people rant and rave over that its so great but yet its only great for a small group of people who all know each other.... Simple thing I always shake my head at with these programs is the fact that there are never any instructions on how to load up anything in them so you can do what the program allows it to....but yet there are all these instructions on what to do with it after the files are already loaded into the program... Knowing what to do AFTER THE FACT does nothing for you if its never explained how to get the data into it in the 1st place I have had Zmodeler 2.0.7 (Build 802) for a while now (About 3 weeks) I have updated it, and spent over 14 hours reading FAQ's and manuals, including the ones from the makers of this tool and so far every single thing I read on it explains only what to do with this tool AFTER THE FILE IS ALREADY OPENED IN IT But there is no instruction as to how to get afile into the program in order to edit it, or allow you to create a new file with it, and to top it off there are no shell files (Blank file) anywhere. I don't care what anyone says until someone posts up a pictured tutorial on how you are supposed to: 1) Create a new file with this 2) Open up something in it in order to edit it 3) Explanin how to convert, make, and find .z3d files so they can be opened in this then no one will say this program works because of the following reasons: It won't allow the Creation of a new file (Nothing happens when you click new) no navigation or drop down boxes or save options It won't allow you to open up any TXD or dff files in it (if there is a way its locked no one seems to want to explain how It won't allow you to open up any TGA and or Bitmap files in it It won't allow you to open up anything in paint in it It won't allow you to create any .z3d files There are no .z3d files to open or that can be found anywhere ( I have serached and searched) Also I tried using the rename section and there is no compatabilty that I can see because According to that I should be able to open them up in Zmodeler---On top of that in the TXD editor it says under the image section: rename alphas to be Zmodeler compatible but that does nothing as well Even in the TXD if I click create new ----it does but with this program you can't just click new and bang it shows up. There is some secret needed to be mentioned in order to get this option to work..in fact all the options in this tool are secrets that need unlocking.... I thought unloackable stuff only fell into the videogame categeory..not in internet tools So does someone want to explain to me how can a program be that great if it doesn't do anything or allow you to do anything you are suppsed to be able to do with it...So far for a program thats supposed to be good I ahve nothing good to say about it.......To put it plainly this program sucks... I mean seriously what good is a program if it won't let you create or open anything in it and there are no files except its own that can be opened with it but it will not let you create them and there is no converter So as it is right now...no one onthe face of this planet was able to create any mods with this program..not a chance in hell..you can say yes all you wnat and that you did but the fact remains that you need it's own file types to open them and there is no way to creaet them or any place to get a shell one ok So fire away with explainations to everything above
That is a very vague answer tilly Unfortunately its not that simple Two things 1) Its next to impossible to find the 3.5 txd editor due to all the links being broken or the tool being removed I had to have it sent to me by a friend because I could not locate it after 24hours to download it anywhere 2) There is a specifc way the names MUST BE CHANGED and no one provides the instructions on how to do so I have contacted hammer himself and tried getting an answer out of him as to why: But yet to have an answer to these 2 questions A - The editor is compiled backwards -- Open it up and you will see what I mean) B - All the explinations about how to change the name of something require you to have to reconfigure almost the entire game in order to have it recognize the new name of something What anyone is failing to mention that I managed to get to the bottom of is that, this editor creates completely new hex code value's that the game cannot read or understand unless you edit every word of what you wanted changed to the new one you want to use, as well as reconfigure the main .SCM, any img section and any .dat file, cfg, and anywhere else the game reads the original you are changing from Also I was given a link to a download with all the found out codes --- What the hell do i need found out codes for---there is nothing to find out-----I can see every single hex code value for whats's already in there. Why would I go through all that trouble to add in a code that is already there ..... All you need to do is change the current name of the item that you are using thast it If you start trying to follow the instructions being left by everyone then you will be totally screwed up because I got one instruction saying that the opened the handling.cfg or ide (something like that) and changed it to read something else... I don't know what the hell tat kid was on but opening the handling cfg or ide has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH EDITNG A NAME OF SOMETHING Anyway I have yet to get an answer from hammer or the other kid as to why this editor allows the creation of new hex value codes if the proccess you need to follow in order to get teh game to recognize it is way too complex and I can't get an answer as to why the kid brought in the handling CFG into this These 2 people are idiots
As I said before when anyone here is able to produce the proper paper documents that they paid for authorized by Rockstar allowing them to use copyrighted material then you all may not like it but you are arguing with federal law guys ANY SECTION OF A COPYRIGHTED and OR PATENTED REDISTRIBUTED PART OR WHOLE TO THE PUBLIC WITHOUT AUTHROIZATION IS COPYRIGHT INFRINGMENT It takes a lot of time and money to get something copyrighted you need: 1st you have to have researchers go find out if what you want marketed is already in existence somewhere else in the world or if theree is some law that allows you to reproduce something you want protected-- Once you get through this step which is the hardest You then have to: To pay for the patent Pay for the patent rights Pay for the copyright Get it noterized and then Appraised then have it accepted Cost is between $5000 - $10,000 thats an estimate and if you want to use something like this you need to pay the person for compensation And since none of you did this with the mods you made...then guess what You really cannot tell anyone what to do with them now if you people can produce the proper federal documents that say no one can use this without you're permission then talk to me and then you can say you need you're permission - but until then if you post anything without the proper documentaion then its for anyone to do what they want to it where they want when they want and there is not a damn thing that you can do about it Plain and simple...if you haven't paid to have an item protected by the standards above then anyone can do what they want with it---especially if you post it for download on the net...and I can tell you outright that you wouldn't be able to charge for this either. Either get the mod protected or stop posting them for people to get access to them its that simple If you don't then it don't matter what anyone says - people can do what they want with it where they want too
Let me simplfy this even furthur for you You are having a serious problem grasping this simple concept: UNLESS PEOPLE HAVE AUTHORIZED CONSENT (WRITTEN AND OR PAID FOR WITH PROOF) FROM WHOEVER THEY ARE GETTING THEIR STUFF FROM TO DO ANYTHING WITH ANY PART OF THEIR ITEM...THEN THEY ARE IN VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AS PER FEDERAL LAW.....PERIOD And the reason knopaster got shut down and you now have to pay for it is because of piracy.... The deffinition of piracy is the redistibution (In any form) of copyrighted and or patented material. And here is some inside info about knapster for you that you are not aware of. When knapster went back up the people whos songs were federally copyright infringed got court backing to be track down and found and anyone who had stuff downloaded to their computer, to get back the money the artists lost due to piracy, well it turned out that they found a few of them and this one girl they nailed had over 3000 songs on her computer from there...guess what the fine she got was.... $5000.00 PER SONG---you do the math on the whole fine This was just one instance..there are about 4-10 more with knapster and 100's of others on various other things BTW this was done 1-2 years AFTER knapster was shut down and back up and running.... So if you still want to debate about law and you wanting to be right then try finding those people that got fined after the fact for what you are saying is legal...then you might wake up....
Who would win in a fight tommy or CJ
tx3000 replied to ThePunisher's topic in General GTASA Discussion
Lets look at the facts for Tommy: Tommy is a major druglord who has way more connections than CJ's Gang Tommy has access to more weapons and hit contracts that CJ Tommy is italian Lets look at the facts for CJ: CJ is a street hood who turned his life around until his mother died CJ has only gang connections CJ has access to the same weapons and vehicles tommy has CJ is not italian ___________________________ OVERVIEW: Even if CJ were to take out tommy or vice versa, Tommy is MOB, CJ is not... Vice city is basically scarface the movie (Watch it and you will understand) Its been proven that gang warfare would stop eventually after going after 1 person Its been proven that the MOB doesn't stop once the word goes out. So if tommy gives the word, then even if tommy was dead he would still win in the end due to how the mob operates -
u keep talking out you're ass chris You seriously don't know what you're talking about. You are making stuff up and then trying to make it fact you really need what certain terms mean because you are doing nothing but making a fool out of yourself by talking about what you don't know I can go on and on with this but until you learn that: Everyone is sibject to Copyright infringement THIS INCLUDES THE MAKERS OF THE GAME You are having a serious problem grasping this simple concept: UNLESS PEOPLE HAVE AUTHORIZED CONSENT (WRITTEN AND OR PAID FOR WITH PROOF) FROM ROCKSTAR TO DO ANYTHING WITH ANY PART OF THEIR GAME...THEN THEY ARE IN VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AS PER FEDERAL LAW.....PERIOD Yes you are correct that if, anyone creates mods or whatever, then yes they own it, but they don't own the rights to it - Unless you pay for the rights to it and or the patent on that item, then it won't do anyone any good to try to claim ownership on something and or tell people what they can or can't do with it. You may not like this and can disagree with it all you want to, but regardless of what anyone says, it all comes down to the payment for the copyright and or the patent... You are arguing FEDERAL LAW at this point If you don't have paid patent, copyrights, and or have Rockstar's consent, then you have nothing Thank you end of story
OK I TRIED BEING NICE ABOUT THIS BUT I CAN SEE YOU'RE JUST AN IGNORANT IDIOT WHO HAS NO EDUCATION IN THE LAW FIELD SO LET ME EDUCATE YOU A LITTLE ABOUT HOW COPY RIGHT WORKS: And if you still think I'm wrong or want to disagree then call the attorney general and get the low down on what is considered copyright infringment because you have no conception about piracy I never said Rockstar didn't support modding--What I said was that the files being posted are piracy Bottom line is that if you didn't get STRICT WRITTEN permission from rockstar themselves and paid to have the licence of distibution then you can't say JACK to owning a mod.. __________________________________________________ 1) One person in rockstar can't authorize the release of files it has to be the consent of everyone in the team and then you need the owners permission...then ther are the lawyers..and the list goes on ___________________________________________________ 2) You can't use base items that were created by someone else that people pay for and then try to make the claim that things you are basing that item off of is yours ___________________________________________________ 3) What the hell kind of comment is this: [qoute]Yes I do. If I say that my mod is only for a specific site's download section, then it damn well only better be on that one site unless I give permission. That car analogy is stupid. I'm letting them use my mod. I'm not completely giving it to them or "selling" it to them.
Ok it seems to be that the smart thing would be is to reconfigure the main scm to have the vehicle spawn in that garage. Use the PCJ that spawns outside next to the water tower as a reference to the placement of the garage (I believe You only need to alter one the co-ordinence) and that's the one that moves it around on the level wher it is (Left right, forward, backwards) Not sure if its the X, Y or Z axis) Then just reconfigure the main SCM to have vehicles spawn in there..then that way it will be permanant
Since this revolves around this specific topic then I don't see the problem with expressing it in here NOTE BEFORE READING: Now don't get me wrong with this topic, I like mods and hacks just as much as the next gammer and have created and hosted and have had hosted quite a few myself. But when I start seeing people telling others not to do not to do what they themselves just did is where I draw the line. So please keep this in mind when reading the information below..Now I'm not mad this is just more so to put things into perspective so people get the picture of why I'm saying what I am Thanks __________________________________________________________________ As I was skimming through the forum I came across this reply Newsflash That is blatent piracy. Thats like posting the source code for windows or posting roms for emulators ..It's totally illegal! Anyway if these files are up on a site, then not one person who creates and hosts a mod anywhere, has the right to tell anyone where and where they can't post or alter the mods they make without permission Sorry its the same exact thing... No one owns the rights to open source. Once you put something up somewhere free to the public, you have no say in what happens to it after that. Who does what with it, where they put it or anything else like that is no ,longer you're concern and you cannot be telling anyone what they can do with it. That's like a car dealer selling you a car and then telling you where you can and cannot drive it or what gas you can put in it or allowing any type of modification And these mods are no differnt ok for example I have a Vice city mod that I converted to San Andreas Now according to what everyone says about a mod being theirs lets apply that to this here: Now even though I didn't outright create it according to what people say in there readme's it would be my mod. because It is no longer a vice city mod Its now a San andreas mod Since I did all the conversion worktherefore its mine. So I could claim its mine and take all the credit for it just like everyone who creates any mod. You see the situation is exactly the same as someone taking apart a txd or dff from the main img file from GTA and reconfiguring it to house a from sratch mod but the thing is its not from scratch what they ahve done is used the base outline from something that was already created for them, they just altared it. Because without the initial txd or dff or both to work with then no one would be able to insert and use things they make into a GTA game..... FYI I do not need permission from anyone to host anything..If i want to host you people's mods where I want when I want then I'm going to..Even if i don't include the credit or try to say its mine or even have a web site set up that you need to pay for to register to get at it then I do not need anyone's permission to do to have or host open source myself Sorry but There is nothing anyone of you people can do about it..... If you people are that paranoid about it then a simple solution would be to: STOP HOSTING MODS P.S. There is nothing anyone will reply with that justifies someone trying to copyright open source and that's not theirs to begin with..Nothing So save you're typing because you are preaching to the choir If anyone can say anything it would be Rockstar So let me put this whole thing into perspective for people Did you people get Rockstar's permission to post these files 1st before posting them...No No company in their right mind if you called them up and asked to host the original files for a program would say yes - Unless you paid them quite a bit of money As I said having original files up on a site somewhere and then people trying to claim ownership on open source for something they are trying to claim as their own (when already proved its not) is the same exact thing (it's not even simillar it is the exact same thing)
I feel a topic like this needs to be made and I don't see what the problem with having this topic in here. So, I'm going to post it here, so it should be fine right here....(I hope) It's in the right place and doesn't break TOS...That I can see Now I know no one is supposed to be asking for help in here regarding the x-box and PS2 versions of this game..I'm not asking for help I'm offering the help: You see I have figured out how to convert PC Vice city, GTA III, and San Andreas Mods into X-Box format. If you would like to e-mail me at [email protected] Title it X-Box GTA modding, state you're question, and I will give you an answer as soon as I can. please be patient about me getting back to people because I only have access to a computer for a little while each day...But I can assure you I will read and reply to every e-mail that I can..... Also please note that I will not answer how to questions regarding Computer and or PS2 questions If i do find COMP and PS2 questions they will get deleted Also before you ask about total conversions, skins, and other stuff, I can only help with basic vehicles and some other various things like that. So please keep this in mind when E-Mailing me for help Have fun, be patient and I WILL GET YOU THROUGH IT...
I need to know if this opens up and allows one to edit both the .SCM and thre .img for mission editing http://www.thegtaplace.com/pafiledb.php?ac...load&id=533 Thanks in advance
Well Lets see here you want to edit the sniper rifle right - Well considering SMG stands for Sub Machine Gun --- It shouldn't be too hard to figure out what one to edit