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Everything posted by tx3000
Try it and see what happenes..if not I say do this: 1) Reboot you're computer 2) Go in and hand delete the folder called SAMI and then put back all the files that were in SAMI before you got screwed---In otherwords reset the SAMI folder by using the steps above Let me know if this helps
you will never get a straight answer out of anyone here Quantum Man You are all quick to say a solution but none of you ever seem to tell you exactly how the solution is reached.....all of you do in people's topics, is spread crap by answering people's questions with gibberish and generic answers that say a lot of nothing, and all that does is make them ask more questions. For example this is one of the famous generic answers You need to convert the txd's....Yeah that says a lot huh...Rather than say something that is already known, and why not say something a little more helpful Yeah we know they need to be converted...HOW? Don't just say you need to convert the TXD's...EXPLAIN HOW....WTF Dude how the hell did half of these guides get written when all you people do is answer questions like this. People need specifics And you people wonder why I made the topics I did...its because the actual stuff in modding that is needed to know...no one covers
You need to downgrade to version one...there is a downgrader somewhere on this site I think---if not PM someone here or ask on the forum and they can either send it to you and or tell you where to get it.. Then all mods should work
What do you mean you can't uninstall the mod? That doesn't make sense. You actually cannot uninstall a mod When you replace and or take out the original files you are actually overwriting the old code....So its actually getting deleted....... Go replace every single file you modded with the original ones and if that doesn't work then you will need to reinstall the game
Yeah so big whoop I did...so stop accusing me of making topics blindly please Their guides do not address my problems...try reading my topics and see if my questions are answered 1st then make comments about my topics and replies 2nd BTW I love how all of a sudden after this topic was a dead issue you just had to put a comment and invloved yourself in matters that have nothing to do with you and that is totally has nothing to do with what I was asking. Hey if you wanted to involve yourself then thats OK with me join the party..But just remember you have no business bitching and moaning about my responses knowing how I am going to respond Like the other 2 did..Its that simple
So how does anyone's response help the situation. You all do realize that so far not one of you that responded has done anything to help and all you are doing is creating more and more nonsense. I already told you people more than once that I already had this problem being worked on...but if you wanted to continue then I would go as long as you all wanted to. I also told the admin to close these topics about 5 days ago...... ROFLCOPTER that did a lot of good huh... Oh well I just pointed out that I guess the admin doesn really care if the forum gets out of hand So how does anyone's response help the situation. You all do realize that so far not one of you that responded has done anything to help and all you are doing is creating more and more nonsense. I already told you people more than once that I already had this problem being worked on...but if you wanted to continue then I would go as long as you all wanted to. I also told the admin to close these topics about 5 days ago...... ROFLCOPTER that did a lot of good huh... Oh well I just pointed out that I guess the admin doesn really care if the forum gets out of hand
help don't know how to get starting my modding?
tx3000 replied to tha gta dude's topic in GTASA Modding
All I know is that the actual shape and outside of the car is done through the .dff and in ZModeler you need to have either a paid version or registered version in order to import a .dff into it in order to change it.... Once you get the registration code this is just a heads up: Not all .dff can be imported some are locked and you need to unlock them..... Now I have read people saying you can unlock .dff files with everything ranging from RWAynalize all the way to a Vice city .dff unlocker tool....But who knows people like to say all sorts of stuff without explination that leads to nothing but more questions I will get you the registraion code and PM it to you today in a little while All I know is that the actual shape and outside of the car is done through the .dff and in ZModeler you need to have either a paid version or registered version in order to import a .dff into it in order to change it.... Once you get the registration code this is just a heads up: Not all .dff can be imported some are locked and you need to unlock them..... Now I have read people saying you can unlock .dff files with everything ranging from RWAynalize all the way to a Vice city .dff unlocker tool....But who knows people like to say all sorts of stuff without explination that leads to nothing but more questions I will get you the registraion code and PM it to you today in a little while -
help don't know how to get starting my modding?
tx3000 replied to tha gta dude's topic in GTASA Modding
Click about in the top corner of the zmodeler and then click ok or whatever it says too (This is where the reg code goes) then reboot you're computer As for how to use it....this is a great black ops mystery some how no one wants to talk about. Because I am stuck in the same situation you are. It seems that people who are registared on this site and that host mods and or have them hosted here and its obvious that they know how to use it (How else could they make a mod) become all of a sudden dumb and silent like they don't know what you are talking about but then continue making and having mods hosted I have been asking how do you use this for 3 weeks now and people want to keep silent about it ...maybe they want the glory all to themselves or whatever..... But as it is now I have been asking for how do I with this and there is no manuals anywhere that explain what you are asking...only the poeple that cretae the mods can answer this and no one wants to talk if I find out anything i will let you know, and if you find out anything you let me know ok -
i need help on convincing my parents to let me have gta sa
tx3000 replied to nigger101's topic in General GTASA Discussion
here we go again why can't you people for once just not post something I never said Where did you get this idea from. I Never said for him to do anything of the sort. I was explaining the ratings for the game and why they were the way they are. How did you get that I told him that there was a sex scene in this when I never mentioned anything about a sex scene? -
I am not sure about how to go about finding and deleting the computer version cache for SA In fact im not sure if it even creates a seperate directory. I was just telling you something I have seen other people mention Better ask someone that knows I cannot help you with this ...Sorry
cache (pronounced Catch) Basically its a Memory that holds copies of recently accessed data. And I know that when you change and or add a mod that has visuals you need to delete the img file thats in the cache or the mod doesn't show up. because the img file thats in the cach is that of the last edited img thus the game is retaining the last way the game has the img file set up... In short the game has already taken a picture of how everything is visually set up adn you cannot see any new changes because the game is reading how it last saw the game.....deleting this file will allow the game to recapture the game with all the new changes in it.. I am not sure if this img file affects these 2 files but it's worth a shot but if the mod had txd and dff files in it then you will need to delete the img file in the cache or the mod will not show up also one other thing you can try too is that I know the stuff in these files need to get placed in alphabetical order...But you probably already know this I hope this helps you out and let me know if it does.
I know asking for help on how to edit the X-Box is not supposed to be up here but this is not a how to question...This is a WILL THIS WORK question I want to edit the X-Box Main SCM of SA I have all the code and stuff already as well as know what needs to be done. I was curious if this work before I go ahead and do it...I am probably going to do this anyhow but if I could get verification that this works would be greatly appreciated. If I wanted to lets say (Spawn a bunch a weapons/jetpack we'll say upstairs in the johnson house) and I don't have access or can't use a configuration tool (Such as one that tells me the co-ordinence) of where something is (I have another way to do this) Could I in turn just copy and past the original coding for it (Like the tutorial says too) and then reconfigure the co-ordinance to have it show up upstairs - I'm pretty sure this will work its just a matter of me wanting to know Will this proceedure work? Thanks in advance
I Just got an idea now on silencing weapons What I would do is start by looking at how the silenced 9mm is configured in the weapon.dat file Then I would experiement with editing the lines of code in the weapon you want silenced with the same type of info until you get a result......If the 9mm is sileneced, then any weapon can be sileneced The golden rule of modding anything is this...if its in the game then it can be done and or added and or subrtacted to anything else in the game...Its just a matter of being able to pull it off
Also if you know how to, you can spawn it where you want with 999 ammo in it by editing the main SCM
I forget where I was this but I came across a tool but never bothered with it that allowed for one to do this very thing you are talking about in the example pics they showed there was a boxing ring in the street, as well as other weird obsticals in places they didn't belong and stuff that was upside down...things like that it's 100% possible to do this but LOL I forgot where this tool was if I can find it again I will post where I found it here
help don't know how to get starting my modding?
tx3000 replied to tha gta dude's topic in GTASA Modding
I knew if this went on long enough I would catch someone in this and now you have allowed me to nail you in this thus having you back up my point about copyright infringement that all of you said was perfectly fine I do recall everyone that responded to my copyright issue where the original files were posted on a site as well as having original files inside mods.....INCLUDING YOURSELF backing up a claim that someone replied with saying IF IT'S PAID THEN THAT GIVES ONE THE LISCENSE TO POST IT FREELY SO THEREFORE ITS NOT ILLEGAL... And I specifically said not for people that have not paid for it and people said I was wrong about that too . People saying its ok to post original game files is the exact same thing as me posting a registration code. I am going to use the exact same points you people did arguing with me about the copyright infringment issue I didn't post the program, or any files that allow the program to run, Whether I paid for it or not It's MY registration code (Just like those are you're mods) therefore According to everyone here I have the right the to do what I what with it... DON'T EVEN BOTHER TRYING TO ARGUE THIS POINT Don't even talk to me about being a hypocrite if you want to try to take the exact same situation and apply it one sided saying its ok for the site to do it but not for me to do it ROFLCOPTER After this reply I have proven you have no clue to what you are talking about and that you can't stand the fact that I have pointed out all of you're short comings and now you are embarresed about it. -
Mods like this usually revolve around the Main.SCM so You may need to edit the main SCM Try also deleting the cache - These are just things off the top of my head that I can think MAY be causing the problem
help don't know how to get starting my modding?
tx3000 replied to tha gta dude's topic in GTASA Modding
He asked for help and I gave it too him, and that should end it. Why are you going on about all this: You are the only one discussing this either of these 2 things. I have reported you for off topic posting and purposly trying to start flame wars -
help don't know how to get starting my modding?
tx3000 replied to tha gta dude's topic in GTASA Modding
No Problem BTW if you want I can give you the registration code that I used for z-modeler I will PM it to you if you want it? -
Why do you both keep saying STOP MAKING THESE TOPICS Like I have created 19 more since the last one.....But the fact is The only topics I made regarding this are the same 3 that have been up here for days and thats it...You both are the ones who keep adding comments into my topics, thus keeping my topics near the top of the page.....Simple solution is to drop it and stop adding comments with you're complaints that make no sense...then trying to make it out like I have created 1000s of these topics. You are the only ones pissing yourselves off and its rather funny
What kind of comment is this? This is totally not true at all. I have seen quite a few topics that should have been pinned that have not been and then I continually see people flooding the forum with questions that, people here tell them to go search or that someone else already created a topic about this and to go find it. What mad eme ask this is because when this was posted the topic I created regarding this was only 3-4 topics UNDERNEATH his and all he had to do was look down or open the entire screen and he would have seen it. The topics that should be pinned are the ones where the same questions keep getting asked over and over again
No I am not COMPLAINING There is no reason for it period.. I know 100% for a fact that there are way more than enough people here that not only know how to use Zmodeler and can create a how-to manual, but also have the MODS That they CREATED hosted here they are too lazy to write one. And before you get the idea that they only are registered here to host a mod....try looking at some, most or all of their accounts and you will see that they are for the most part, still very still active You really believe that? I suggest you take a good look at the list of people that are registered on this site and then look at who the mods were CREATED Being hosted on this site and you will see they are one and the same...So don't go ariound saying people here do not know how to use Zmodeler if the people registered here have the MODS THEY CREATED hosted here So please don't go saying things unless you know what you are talking about Ever stop to think about reasearching what I'm saying and realize what I am saying. WOW AMAZING huh?
help don't know how to get starting my modding?
tx3000 replied to tha gta dude's topic in GTASA Modding
You need a program that allows .dff file support http://www.zmodeler2.com/files/zmodeler2.zip BTW: The free version of ZModeler does in fact support .dff files (I have the free version and can import.dff files into it and alter them) You just need to know where to look for the registration code I have been asking this question for at least 2 weeks and I still have yet to get an answer -
Why is it chris82, and JACE, and a few other people are failing to read what is actually being posted, then you all go start making things up as you go along, and then on top of that trying to enforce what you are saying as fact then trying to say I said it? Without fail every single time any of you respond to my topics saying I said something, I always have to correct what you are saying because you are saying I said something that I never did. You both not only shread my topics, but and then you and shorten what I actually said and turn it into something you want it to say. Take this for example from chris82 You said I said this...But that is not what I said at all... Both of you seriously need to learn to how to read before responding. Seriously you 2 are either having some form of comprehension problem, can't read, or both? If you really want to get into a debate about this then fine. since you brought this up you really should learn what you are talking about when it comes to programming, modding and or cheats. Because what you think you know and what you know are 2 different things and it shows.. So since you brought it up let me educate you on what some of the stuff you are talking about is so you have the proper information so you can see where you are wrong FYI a trainer for the x-box is not a mod, a trainer is what is called the X-Box version of a gameshark code that must be launched from a specific dashboard and resets when the game is shut off a mod is a permanent addition to a game by altering the game files themselves a trainer is something that is made by dis-assemebling the game programming (Using a specific decompiler program I can't remeber the name) and using a certain program to search and or find specific values so that you can create whats called a .etm file starting by creating a .asm file from the game and when using a trainer you need to make sure that both the igr and tsr are on. I know I have already gone way above you're head with this and if you think that you are having probelms understanding this then I'm ending it here because The rest is way more complex than that. I did this to show you that there is nothing you are going to tell me that I have surpassed you in comp knowledge, hacking, and coding The questions I am asking about modding are not average and way above you're comprehension level....They go way above the normal means of modding and if you ever fully understood what I was actually asking then you would get lost Not to worry though I have found someone who understands what I am asking If you want to debate some more about this then do it through PM Thank you and have a nice day
i need help on convincing my parents to let me have gta sa
tx3000 replied to nigger101's topic in General GTASA Discussion
Simple its the fact that certain apects of this game you are purposely trying smashing into things and trying to take out others while playing. Putting the gameplay itself aside Lets face it after GTA is finished all the game is really good for is causing trouble. So whats the difference between purposely causing trouble with GTA and purposelycausing trouble with Burnout?..nothing its the exat same thing...I'm sorry forcing someone off the road because you are supposed to or a game that condones smashing and blowing up to take out other racers is no different then getting the law after you or running someone over for no reason in GTA I know when I play burnout I don't really care about my score I am more in tuned with how many racers I can take out before the time runs out