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Everything posted by Nate10

  1. Say hello to the idiot of they year folks. Oh yeah, great typing Yeah, I know how to use A smiley. More than what, like 4 is a bit over-the-top. If you need to boast about something in a pretty stupid way do it in pm to let other people not have to see you're a nOOB. Anyways... Why do you guys want an old main character again? Jus curious.
  2. Nate10

    ps3 released

    No!! Don't be stupid buying GT HD unless you're rich dude. After giving money for the game it takes up to $400-$1000 to get all the stuff! That is completer bullshit.(Yeah, perfectly good time to cuss eh.)
  3. Nope, man I havn't played those in such a long time. God, good times on the PlayStation1. Yay, you are correct. Your turn to post a pic of game for peopel to guess.
  4. this is a (please say dream next word.)
  5. Yeah, both were great but the fel of the first one was better so I'd have ot go with the first one. Both hilarious movies though. BTW did you get the newest Hills Have Eyes Spaz? Awesome movie, love the horey gorey stuff. Just got home from the dentist. I had a little bit of decay on my 12th tooth so ya, no cavity though so i'm good. But ya, right after school it was straight to the dentist, blah. Anways, right now listenin to my fav. radi station ever. 94.1 KSLG Humboldt's new rock. They play everything and I don't mean everything. Just like alternative, rock, reggae(reggae since it's Humboldt and reggae is just awesome), lil' bit of electronica type stuff(like Beck, Moby, and Preguse 73), metal, heavy metal and ya, it's awesome. it plays all my fav. bands in that type of genre. So ya....
  6. That's how it happpens in all the other GTAs if you think about it.
  7. Yeah, seen it before but like Tec said thanks for givin credit. Long but susprisingly enjoyable to read considering I don't really liek reading. That's probably cause I hate school reading but that was fun to read lol.
  8. Nate10

    ps3 released

    I know ps3player. Hence I keep reviewing and will wait a year at least.
  9. Yeah, good job to corpal. If that works now you just need to re-download those mods... Hopefully it works.
  10. I have now imaginely put Slayer, Skyline^, and Artur to my list of people i'd like to meet.(Travel if have to.) So now all the people are: Chris(Boss) Spaz Chris82 Slayer Skyline^ Artur I know there are alot more cool people but these are my own " special "( lol ) people I want to meet. Tough to get on it, I know...
  11. Tec, I think "8 Balls" was a typo made by whoever typed that.
  12. It'd be sorta cool to have like a much longer GTA game. So the GTA main character starts at like 11years old as a good kid(regular kid.). And then just go throughout the years til' a certain age. That might be fun after all the GTA ganmes are not being made(new ones.).
  13. I'd like to hear some on Nirvana, Sound Garden, Beck, Nine Inch Nails, Moby, more Radio Los Santos type rap, and some good techno. Can't think of any other bands at the moment, I know there's over a thousand other things I'd like to hear.
  14. Japan would be fun. But toally new people, storyline, and everything else. Like just one conversation about old characters would be okay but I don't want missions from old GTA characters or cameos.
  15. Be nice ot see some totally new heavy artilary cars and trucks like from the army and not from army.
  16. Yep, great thing to do. You serious! Most boring part of game for me was trying to beat tough missions since: 1.)You're bad at that one. 2.)You don't liek it cause you're bad at that mission and can't beat it. 3.)You have to play it over and over. It's just annoying when you are stuck. But other than that the girlfriends were pretty boring.
  17. ^ Ya, I can play Smells Like Teen Spirit and Lithium on my guitar. Not as good as they do it though lol.All Nirvana is amazingly great..... Susprised this topic hasn't had much posts since it's a great idea. BTW Bossman Porcelain and Firestarter are both great songs. At momet, Beck-Cellphones Dead, Moby-Prcelain, a couple of the songs off of Coah Carter( but the Coach Carter soubdtrack has no songs on the movie which makes me want to scream), Nirvana-Come As You Are, Nine Inch Nails-Hurt, Nin Inch Nails-Closer, can't think of anymore at the moment.
  18. Sounds cool, the link wouldn't work for me but I hope everyone has the same voices since we all are used to the old voices.
  19. Bahahahahahaha. I know, I can but i'm jsut giving new members a smart way of making money so they can get good stuff. Not Tecs lame melee weapons Jokes heh but still, save dude.
  20. Bahahhaa. I don't mean to laugh at "husky" people but they still shouldn't of just. Eat. Eat. Eat. Hurt really bad becuase of eation so much. Then eat more. Eat. Eat. and then alot more of eating. It's insane IMO. I could never imagine just eating that much.
  21. Yeah. Even though the sorta stupid eniding it didn't make me hate it cause I was so happy just that I beat it.
  22. Heh, hence your "whorific" question maybe? Well, does he sound gay? Maybe just a "late lover"? I used to have a hate girls club..... at 6 and a half years though, that guy you're talkni about is in high school.
  23. No, of course not RyanVG. Only his cousin.
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