Rented Pokemon Battle Revolution today, again. Sucks cuz I lost my wifi connection((my neighbors ))but I still enjoy battling my sister. Anyone know if De Blob is any good? I was going to rent it but, got Pokemon as you can tell.
Why'd you have to trick me, I thought I was going to be able to su......
I guess i'm going to have to go back to playing Delta Force: Land Warrior.
Holy balls I forgot about those guys. Thank you for bring them up, Ima have ot buy some stuff from them on iTunes now!
Eagles of Death Metal - Already Dead((it's sooooo sick, vasco ))
Ah, you're such a fag toonskull. I was going to try to bring my Halloween topic from the dead today lol.
Yeah, I believe in ghosts. Just not those pictures.
Yeah, I sometimes get those when I feel like there are a lot of people around me. Don't think they're panic attacks though, but it makes me feel faint.