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Everything posted by Dmac

  1. YEA I LIKE BIG LETTERS AND CAPS AS WELL!!!!!!!1111one!!!111oneoneone Lol.
  2. Is this show the one on Fox8 on Fridays? (In Australia anyway). If it is, I saw one and he had a voodoo doll, Got lady's ring and put it around the dolls neck, Started mucking around with the doll (cant remember exactly what it was he was doing) and it had affected the lady. He did it to other people as well. Pretty coll stuff.
  3. Come on over to Australia. Australia ftw! I was going to say the same thing acually, Got a bit sidetracked!
  4. Doesn't look all that bad imo, Must cost a lot as well.
  5. Sure is. We can only hope that is her and they follow it all up, And she is well. EDIT: Same News have said that the photo is not her. Article Here.
  6. Pepsi tastes like flat coke. And it reminds me of KFC.
  7. As they said on A Current Affair, It could be any young girl, But they also said she tends to stand out a lot in that picture, No wearing the same clothes and stuff, And there has been reports of her being in that area.
  8. A news source (one of the biggest news networks in Australia) has posted a article about a possible sigting... Read for yourself. Original Article.
  9. daniuel A little better... I found out all you gotta do is tap the button and not push it in all the way!
  10. Most Fords are ugly to me, Because i just don't like Ford. But this here, This is just criminal! Can you even call that a car?
  11. If your using IPB you could use a portal as a homepage i guess... Depends what you need the homepage for.
  12. Avi: 7/10 Sig: 8/10 Perso: Funny and friendly guy!
  13. Lol thanks. Yours is good as well.
  14. dan ikjedsllk A little better...
  15. Dmac

    Oy Loyk Choken

    Do you? 0.o

  16. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING! Get out there and PLAY! Yea.... What he said! I'll stay up extra late to help get more posts in this topic!
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