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Everything posted by Dmac

  1. Heh, I'll be fast asleep when the trailer comes out!
  2. I have all the maps that were leaked, PM me if you want the link. Or i can post is here, But i thought its best i not after what Gerard said.
  3. Yea i dream in first person to. I thought it was normal lol.
  4. I dont think i know you but Welcome Back!
  5. Dmac

    Good to see you back! :P

  6. I been alright ty!

  7. Dmac

    Hey man how you been?

  8. LOL nice pic of the cat! Rofl!

  9. Ouch. What exactly were you making/filiming?
  10. Dmac


    I hear The Mint on TV
  11. I'm in! Anti Homework Society ftw.
  12. I guess thats good for me then... Kind of!
  13. Hey man, How you been?

  14. Where ever i click, I keep getting this annoying thing: This does only happen on TGTAP Forums, And im using Firefox.
  15. Crash Bandicoot, Sonic, Mario. Probably some more to.
  16. Homework. Wtf you go home to rest and chill not to do school all over again! And they wonder why you dont do work in class, Maybe because you were up last night doing work.
  17. Never heard of it. Is it new?
  18. I might buy it! I played the old ones on PS1 and they were great.
  19. Dmac


    Sure do have it Except, I'll need to find my disc which shouldent be to hard.
  20. USB Keyboard. Logitech G15.
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