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Everything posted by Dmac

  1. Good Information anyway. Any VCS News is good News.
  2. I post new VCS Info only when its not on the Homepage yet.
  3. Your right. Anything can happen with Rockstar Games.
  4. They use Video Games as an excuse.
  5. I never knew there was 1. EDIT: I made a new Cover. GTA4 Australia: My favourite 1 so far.
  6. That is true. I play GTA and im 15, But GTA in Australia is rated 15+.
  7. Yea i dont care if you put mine up.
  8. You got a good taste for Computers.
  9. This Topic is for Users who have made GTA4 Boxart and want to show it off. GTA London: GTA4:
  10. Not all the Countries will be underwater. If you move Inland im sure you will be ok. Just depends were you live. Like a place like Indonesia, Very small, The whole place could go under. I dont know if it would though.
  11. Thanks for Uploading the font Chris. And sorry for the slow reply.
  12. Like everyone has been saying, The Box is soooo easy to make. Like this one: That took 2 Minutes. Its pretty crappy but thats how quick someone can make a Cover.
  13. I posted this News on Vcspsp.com and noticed it was not here. Gaming Website, Kikizo has posted a Preview on Vice City Stories. No new Screenshots but some new Information. Related Links: Kikizo Preview. Original Post. Vcspsp.com Thanks to JarJar over at GTAForums.com for the News. If you want to read JarJars Topic Click Here.
  14. Yea i thought it was new to. Thats why i posted it.
  15. Maybe im right, Then i can post a Pic.
  16. I posted this news on vcspsp.com and saw it wasent here. French Gaming website Jeux Video has another VCS Video on it. The Video is called The Fall. It features Vic shooting at Biker Gangs from a Helicopter. View The Video: Click Here. Related Links: Original Post. Vcspsp.com EDIT:Its not new. My bad. I feel sooo stupid now.
  17. You can download it from Here.
  18. I will have a guess....Saints Row? lol.
  19. A new Picture.... This is what you get for feeding my homebrand cat food!!!!
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