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Everything posted by Dmac

  1. Ok. Cant you buy a code and enter it or something like that?
  2. I bought my PC a few Months ago from a place called Officeworks. They are a trusted Company who would never sell a Computer with Illegal copy of Windows. A couple of days ago, I started getting a Error saying my Windows is not genuine. Now, Im not really worried about not getting updates but the main thing i want to stop is the stupid ballon coming up in the corner. Is there anyway to stop it? And is there a way to get a new copy of Windows without without re-installing it? Ballon:
  3. Well done guys! Chris you made a wise choice choosing these 2 members to join the Mod team. Im sure you 2 will be great Mods!
  4. I fixed the last one. Much better.
  5. Dmac

    Clear Cases

    I dunno the newest one lmao! Why you ask? I think its SR1910AN
  6. Meebo is ok. But i want Trillian to work!
  7. Can anyone recommend a good IM which i can sign in using my MSN Account? A link to the program or programs would be great. Also, Dont bother saying Trillian because it doesnt work with me or msn becuase it stoped working. Thanks.
  8. San Andreas should run fine.
  9. Dmac

    Clear Cases

    Yea i have seen a few PC's with the ''glowing light thingys'' and it looks cool. A great way to finish modifying my PC.
  10. Dmac


    I just use a HTML Editor, MS Frontpage. Good enough for me. I made a few Websites aswell.
  11. My 1.8Ghz AMD is better then my other PC's 2.4 P4. I wonder what 1.8Ghz AMD is eqivilent to in Pentium 4?
  12. I downloaded Trillian, I try to use my msn account, it signs in but then disconnacts after a few seconds. I was going to add it to exceptions list on my firewall but i cant find it! (Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security 2007). Is there a way to stop this from happening?
  13. I recently bought a new PC, Compaq Presario. I am in the process of upgrading it and once i have all the performance parts i want, I was thinking about a clear case. The thing is, I dont know if i can get a clear case for my PC. Is there places around that make them custom for your PC? Thanks.
  14. Ill try all these things and edit my post to tell you guys what happens. EDIT: I tried Trillian but is there a way to sign in using your MSN adress and keeping all your contacts? If so, how and if not, Is there a program that lets you use your MSN Adress and keep all your contacts?
  15. Thanks Chris. I downloaded it and it installed fine (which is a start, The other 1 dident install). The thing is, I cant open it. Its in running processors list though. I will restart my PC and edit my post to tell you what happens. EDIT: Still doesnt sign in. When my PC re-started, My Anti-Virus (Trend Micro) said ''a criticle componment of Windows Live Messenger repaired'' also. Anyone else have any ideas?
  16. Yea sorry its WLM. It used to work but now it doesnt.
  17. First of all, It dident work (problem signing in) so i uninstalled it and tryed to reinstall it. When trying to reinstall i got this error: After giving up on that i just installed it on my other PC and coped the program files to my Pc. The problem now is that i cant sign in. I get both of these errors: And i have noticed that when i type my email in it tends to lagg when typing (its just the program, the pc is fine). Please help.
  18. I dont think it will come out on any but if i did, It would be on PS2 because PS3 is a next gen console.
  19. Can anyone write a review without spoilers?
  20. Good Find! Except for the huge watermark. EDIT: Someone found this one on GTAF: Credit goes to the person who found it.
  21. AAren't they only like 250$ or something??No offence. But the Australians don't have yet.Poor Australians .But I forget when they get,they might already,I forget sometimes... We get it in 6 days, November 10th.
  22. Now the Reviews should start coming in because VCS is now in Europe.
  23. Avi:6/10. Like mine, To simple. Sig:8/10. Alot of different Pictures. Perso: I have seen you abit around the VCS,GTA4 sections and your friendly and cool.
  24. Who would want to kill that? I wouldent kill them. Maybe when the Animal hears the Gunshot it runs away and its imposslbe to kill because there running so fast.
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