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Everything posted by Dmac

  1. Do you want Leaflinks in Vice City Stories? I know i dont. Its a waste of space.
  2. Sorry wrong game...Delete this Topic. We all make mistakes. The article:Read. I originaly read the topic on gtaforums but dident read there replys. Sorry guys for inconvenience.
  3. That pics funny!!!! Thats a funny pic!!!!
  4. You wont get far talking like that. Oh, If you dident notice i was joking. I dident think you really were 7.
  5. On some Servers it takes a while to load so just wait.
  6. Sex Mini games wont be included becuase of the troble it caused. If it is, I will be suprised.
  7. Well a 7 year old? How did you even find the website?
  8. I just registered on the Forums.
  9. You still need to do take off and lading before circuling. EDIT: All done. I got someone over at gtaforums.com to do it for you. Download. Here is the Topic: Original Topic.
  10. You mean he killed another brother, Not Vic. That is what i said.
  11. This topic is NOT where you want GTA4 to be. It IS why you want it to be in your Country. Rules: 1.Dont make a point about your Country twice. 2.Only post for the Country you live in. 3.Dont put stupid reasons for your Country. E.g ''Because.'' 4.Do not talk bad about other Counties is your Post. Post your reasons like this: (Of course put your own Country and Reasons). Country: Australia. Reasons Why: Becuase if we can host the 2000 Olympics and if we can host the Commenwelth Games we can host GTA4!!!!
  12. I think R* might have a trick up there sleeve. I guess we just have to wait untill the game is released to see wether we find out what happens.
  13. I have the Video in wmv format. But it is 77mb.
  14. Vice City was made a few years ago and back then they probably dident think that we would be watching the same video over and over in slow motion to see the blood.
  15. The Internet Movie Database has updated their listing for VCS.Acording to IMDb, Ving Rhames will voice Victor Vance. Link:IMDb Vice City Stories Listing.
  16. Yea the Screens are old but Info is new.
  17. The French version of OPSM2 includes a 4 page preview of VCS with some new Info. Its in French (obivisly) but acording to vcspsp.com it says: Vice City Stories takes up a little more memory than the original Vice City on the disc. In the version that they played the streets seemed a little empty, however Rockstar Games assured the editors that in the final version the streets would be twice as full with pedestrians and vehicles. Rockstar are also promising a big surprise concerning the WiFi features of Vice City Stories, though that's all they're saying for the moment. It's also said that there's going to be a lot of humour in the game concerning the pair of Vances. Scans: Scan 1 Scan 2 Scan 3 Scan 4
  18. This is the Mission where you gotta fly thru the corona's right?
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