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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Vice City. It was the first GTA I've played, then I got LCS, and now I'm expecting to play San Andreas soon.
  2. You really aren't cheerful with GTA games, are you? Just find something to do!
  3. Man, some great news there. Can't wait for more.
  4. You mean the second pic? Now that you say it, it could be.
  5. This is for the Cheat Device ped outfit thing, right?
  6. The Combat Shotgun is confirmed and I'm not sure what the gun in the second pic is. Thanks again, Dmac.
  7. It may not be a glitch and it may not be part of the "Beach Patrol" side-mission for all we know. It could even be a common thing.
  8. Thanks for posting the multiplayer news, Dmac.
  9. Most major forums have more guests active than members so it's no big deal.
  10. I really don't think someone used Photoshop to shade the armor and health bars lighter.
  11. Wait, do you mean the HUD or Radar?
  12. Yeah, the only thing that's different is the lighter shade of the health and armor bars.
  13. Well, we know Vic can swim also. @Ciaran: It is the actual VCS HUD & Radar.
  14. You mean the peds could swim.
  15. Yeah, it might be. I think it is.
  16. Sometime I don't even understand it when somebody's using text language a lot on a forum.
  17. I know this is an old screenshot but I saw this at GTAForums and I thought why not post it here. You see a chain of peds underwater. What do you guys think it's for?
  18. Regular hidden packages give you $100 for each.
  19. 80's music kicks ass and it was proven in Vice City. Nuff said.
  20. I'm thinking the fun's just begun.
  21. Yeah, and you can see it in the Military Trailer.
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