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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. 91% in LCS. All I've gotta do is 4 Rampages, 50 Hidden Packages, kill 344 Yakuza and 4 Unique Stunt Jumps.
  2. Why can't any major female teenage TV stars avoid being sucked up into the gutter whether it's their fault or not?
  3. Lol, move over. I live in Connecticut. In the capital, too. So send me a copy and... *COUGHAPS3ORXBOX360COUGH*.
  4. This is Andre The Accelerator and you're with my homeboy, Boy Sanchez.
  5. Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Bob's Yours.
  6. I would say the Haitians because they really caused more problems to the Cubans than the Cholos did. The Cholos are dunces, anyway. 1-1 tie.
  7. Next time, click on this link for advertising servers, bro. Yeah, CrazyBob's is a great server but I'll be honest, the problem I have with it is that people frequently complain about cops (Sometimes though I can understand) and it contains more racists I've seen than other big servers. Plus, that 200 max player server you're talking about is Team NeO's.
  8. Damn, it's a week already. I just wonder how different it'd be if GTA IV released as scheduled.
  9. Either it's too realistic or people are expecting GTA IV to be realistic and that level is higher than it should be.
  10. Fresh off GTAF but a good topic. Since I guess you're not starting it off, I will. Cholos vs. Haitians
  11. I'll bring some Grove Street homies to crash the party.
  12. Remember kids, if you get raped on CrazyBob's Cops And Robbers, always carry condoms. Condoms will get rid of any annoying after effects of getting raped and getting Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and/or even Crazy Chicken Flu by taking out the rapid health loss. If you are a police officer and get raped, laugh in the rapists face by arresting them on sight and throw away the key.
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