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Everything posted by Rashon.

  2. Rashon's Random Classics - September 28, 2007 Too bad VCPR isn't shown in front of a studio audience.
  3. Yeeeeeeeeah! I was right all aloooooong!
  4. Rashon's Random Classics - July 14, 2007 This reminds me of the Spam to 1,000... only, this is backwards so this is like Spam to 0. 884
  5. When I was trying to constantly date Denise, I went on a few dates to the bar around the corner and I never noticed that CJ's fat ended up rising to like 67% and at that time, I had the Gym glitch that always tells you "You've had enough for today, come back tomorrow" or something like that.
  6. Lol, why am I up there? I don't know crap 'bout SA. I voted for K9, though.
  7. The answer is part of Rashon's Random Classics (- December 30, 2007) brought to you by The Spam Association. To the right of star rating for this topic and the left of the views for the topic, you click on the number in blue to see how many posts people have posted in this topic. I can't be assed to post a pic.
  8. No doubt, it's Mr. Outlaw.
  9. Rashon's Random Classics - February 3, 2007 All my exes live in Texas!
  10. It was a great game, though it and LCS are highly underrated just because they're "knockoffs" from the original GTAs in the original cities, plus the game was first released on PSP. I enjoyed VCS and the storyline was great but oddly had a sad feeling to it .
  11. Lol, Bob Saget's old looking. Rashon's Random Classics - January 25, 2007 Yeah, he bumps a whole lot of topics, is a previously banned member, and said LCS PS2 sucks just because you can't mod it. Wow, that guy's the definition of idiot. AIN'T THAT THE TRUTH!
  12. I'm starting a new segment, people Rashon's Random Classics - August 20, 2007 Ladies and gentlemen, Bob Saget.
  13. Without a doubt, TM. One year was the Most Annoying, next year now a moderator. That's a big improvement if you ask me.
  14. Pasatiempo Golf Course, please.
  15. Actually, they're immune to everything except fire.
  16. Keep in mind that this is a game. It's more like an unreality check. Also Rhinos can blow up eventually when they're hit with Flamethrowers and Molotov Cocktails and continuously ramming into already blown up cars.
  17. At least you could swim. That was the important thing. If there was no swimming, there'd be even more complaining.
  18. The Patriots are going to win the Super Bowl. There are going to be more outdoor NHL games. The NHL is going to regain its mark as the fourth major sport in America (It's a long shot, but hey).
  19. neitherine, if you're out there, I've got your number!
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