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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. First, cut the caps. Second, these topics have nothing to do with VCS. Third, your previous topic really covers what this topic is about.
  2. San Andreas Stories is possible but GTA IV isn't and if it is, I doubt Rockstar would put it on PSP.
  3. Maurice: You know what, Florence? You make me shiver like I shiver in the urinal and I think "Man, that's a lot of men's hair. You are beautiful. You are massive!" Florence: Eww.
  4. Definitely. Especially how 5 seconds later Vic said "Maybe I should drive, man".
  5. Diaz: You wanna bump, man? Victor: No. Diaz: Well, I do. [sniffs Cocaine] Alright, here's the plan. The army is getting a new shipment on attack helicopters-- Victor: So how about I go down there, steal one, and use that to get Mendez? Diaz: [Laughs] Si, senor. Victor: Si, senor? Are you crazy? Man, that coke is messing up your brain. Diaz: No, it just helps me think and get it on... but it'll be easy. Think about it no more Mendez, no more trouble for us. [Abruptly Laughs] [Victor Leaves, Diaz Sniffs Cocaine]
  6. Wayne: The savings are coming, the savings are coming! [Crowd Laughing]
  7. Lance: One more Lance Vance Chance!
  8. Phil: [belches] You need a decoy and I'm all the decoy you're gonna need.
  9. I like the Cuban Style best. P.S.: Wrong kind of poll.
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