[Phil Motioning Himself]
Phil: Comrade! Come here!
Victor: What're you doing here?
Phil: I heard there was gonna be a party so I brought fireworks!
Victor: Where's Lance?
Phil: I love that guy! Yeah!
Umberto: There he is, [Laughing] Mr. Victor Vance, the punk who needs our help.
Victor: What?
Umberto: You grown any cajones yet, lady boy?
Lance: Yo, bro.
Umberto: [Laughs] Come here.
Victor: Ah, wassup, man,
Umberto: Your brother, man. [Laughs] At least one of you has something up here and a lot down here. [Laughing]
Victor: Who-ho.
Lance: So if you guys are ready, let's do this.
Victor: Hey, Lance, come here.
Lance: Hey, bro, wassup.
Victor: What the hell is going on?
Lance: We about to get hit by those Mendez guys and we could use some of you buddies to crash the party.
Victor: What?
Lance: Help out. What, did I do wrong again?
Victor: No, no, no, no, man. For once you've done very right. Let's go deal with these pricks.
Lance: Yeah, let's pop! [Chuckling]