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Posts posted by Red_91

  1. Is this like an open city game like True Crim, GTA, Scarface and getaway? If so I am definetly getting this, the graphics alone look immense, I wonder if that pic Gycu posted is in 1080p though.

  2. Graphics are important to next gen gaming, if you dont have a HD TV for either a PS3/360 you will suffer a lot because on some games (noticable PES 08 and Fifa 08) you can hardly see any of the players names on a Standard definition TV.

    To me get a PS3 for sure now, especially as blu-ray is winning the format war with I think Warner Bros going exclusive to blu-ray. I can see HD DVD losing, I even heard MS might switch to blu-ray as well, although thats a rumour.

    To some people graphics are important, because it helps the gaming experience, right now I am shopping around for a HD TV that I can use for my bedroom and PS3, I already have one but its in the living room.

    Anyway WRX makesure you have a HD TV first then either console.

  3. If you want to get the attention of a girl, you should just start talking to her, when she says 'Hi' you should you should say 'Hi' and compliment her on something, this way they wont feel threatened I think, but still be yourself and do feel under pressure, be happy at all times and in a sort of jokey mood, it works for most people I think and it will work for yous as well.

    @Jace, I dont think talking politics is going to grab a girls attention especially if she doesn't agree with your view(s), you should try to talk about what she likes etc, latest movies and latest music, it more or less works most of the time.

    @GTA Don

    I dont think sex should be on your mind right away when you like someone, first you have to really get to know them, theres lots of good looking girls but with bitchy charachters and personalities, you have to have a good blend of looks and personality.

  4. Same here Niko Bellend, all my mates are going to get it after exams, and I have already started revision, have been doing small bits of revision here and there to gradually build up to the exams.

    If I got the game on its release date I would play it literally every day, thats why I aint going to get it in April (supposed release date) I can wait about another 2 months to get it, and lcukily the price might have dropeed.

  5. Meh, I fell asleep before, woke up just then gasping for air...:(

    Like, my whole family was against me, even my girlfriend, and they said they were taking me to the police tomorrow, I asked them why and what did I do over and over but they wouldn't tell me. They had an evil look to their faces.

    Was that in your dream or real life? If so what happened?

    Anyway my day was ok, just usual really, just need to put some serious thought what I am going to be doing at A-Level. Thinking about Maths and IT as definites but I dont know what else to pick, law and Physhology are on my radar and so is Sociology but not sure.

  6. Newcastle are a big club on marketing value and how much money they recieve. Surprisingly they are in the top 20 richest clubs in the world.

    Keegan returning is a bad idea its like meeting an old flame, good at first sight, but the novelty will wear off.

  7. It sucks that almost every girl I meet already has a boyfriend and the ones that don't have a boyfriend look like Frankenstein ... :(

    I've improved since last year, now I'm more communicative I go the same time home with some girls and we have short conversations on the road altough I'm not too god at it, but I'm a good listener ... I've read the last posts, I think talking about computer/video games/politics with a girl is a bad idea, they will think you're a nerd altough you aren't ...

    for eg. I was playing an online racing game on a free online games site , and one of my classmates comes and asks me

    "Is that GTA you were talking about these days" ... and I was like :mellow::wacko::ph34r::blink: ...

    I think if your not yourself, girls WILL find out, you should never put an act on or anything and you shouldn't be afraid to talk about what you want to talk about, I know its easier said than done.

  8. I'm sorry but this is bullshit. Everyone voting for PERSONALITY in HOTTEST MEMBER? That's pissing me off. We have plenty of other awards for and similar to that. All of you are just messing up this one by judging looks based on personality.

    Do you see a best personality member topic? My votes are a mixture of both.

  9. Male

    1. Gycu

    2. LV

    3. Ivan Kherzakov (sp)


    1. YJ (yellow jacket)

    2. RB (rainbow bear)

    Note: These votes are not nessesarily for the best looking but more of a best personality hence I haven't put a third female down since I dont know the other two very well.

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