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Posts posted by Red_91

  1. I dunno whats going on right now to be honest, since we haven't had much info right now, maybe a release date will be confirmed but I dont know when, probably February.

    Retailers are just guessing April, for all we know it could come out in March or even February (doubt it though)! I think the game is finished and they (R*) are porbably starting work on the next game.

  2. Good game, didn't really get into the first one at the beginning but sort of grew into liking it quite a lot, still think COD4 is far better, but this will be a good game too, wonder when it will be released?

  3. Not sure whether to post this here, but blu-ray is definetly winning the format war right now and has been backed by a lot of big companies. There are rumours that Paramount might switch from HD DVD to Blu-ray, wouldn't be surprised because most movies (films) are blu-ray exclusive.

    Anyway on to PS news

    Anyone know when the DS3 controllers are out in the UK? I seriously need them.

  4. Very bored and knackered today, played football in PED and two people from opposing teams went into a slidnig tackle with each other for the ball, both got hurt but got up and started having a little scuffle, quite funny both threw punches but the teacher broke it up and they both didn't get in trouble. It was quite funny though. And also someone crissed the ball to his team mate but hit him in the private parts. Ouch!

    Other than that I have been playing Yahoo! Pool a bit and I might play Assasins Creed in a bit if Ican be bothered. Well speaking of exam marks, I got my Science Mock results back today and I got a B, fairly happy, tried fro the A but failed, gald its just amock though, real exam is in 11 days, and have been revising for about an hour a day. Is that enough though?

    Other than that I haven't been doing much.

  5. Favorite 4-Door Car - Forelli Excess

    Favorite Sports Car - V8 Ghost

    Favorite Bike - Angel

    Favorite Police Vehicle - FBI car

    Favorite 2 Door Vehicle (Excluding Sports Cars) - Sabre

    Favorite Boat - Predator

    Favorite Vehicle (Out of all the Vehicles) - V8 Ghost

    Favorite Car (Out of all of the Cars) - V8 Ghost and Forelli Excess.

  6. The trouble now of course with people such as 15-16 year olds having sex, they are pruessurised by their peers and feel the need to. Some boys and girls think sex is some kind of sport and thats why they feel they have to have sex a lot.

    Plus this is just random but humans are the only animals that use sex for pleasure.

  7. I just do the empire missions, I do the air ambulance missions as well, vigilante etc. I still think VCS was as good as other GTAs, it had the empire buildings and also the introduction of air ambulance, plus taxi missions got easier becasue you could 10 day and 10 another day and you would have completed 20 whereas before you had to do a 100 straight.

    I spend a lot of time on the spinning wheel sniping people out, and I love the car races. Thats about it really, dont think I have missed anything.

  8. The best game every? Uhm, no.

    The GTA serie is very good, but I wouldn't say it is the best thing to ever hit the gaming industry.

    Might not be the best thing to hit gaming industry but in some peoples eyes (including mine) its (GTA in general) are the best games ever

    Yes,the figures do seem a little far-fetched,MGS4 will sell a lot,seeing as a lot of people are MGS fans,but probably not as much as GTA IV.

    Doubt MGS4 will be as big as a hit as some people think, it could even get delayed again, it will be a good game. Not as good as IV though.

  9. 17 million? That's more then the amount of 360 and ps3 consoles out there. Every single owner of such system would have to buy the game to meet the 17 million. I doubt it. Probably closer to 12 million.

    Your right but theres still a lot of time to get a PS3/360

    I think these figures are a little exaggerated, maybe 13 million for 2008 but overall about 25 million copies will be sold.

  10. Not sure why people think Bin Laden is thick etc. Its not like Hitler actively killed people himself, he got the Nazi members to do it. Bin Laden is doing quite well (so far) to achieve wht he wants, I mean he hasn't got caught yet which to me is an amazement and also he doesn't tell people to kill people directly he just encourages them.

  11. How do you know that people like that just aren't really confident?

    Thats what I was thinking, I cant tell between the two.

    Dunno who I would call narcistic but I generally know what it means.

  12. Bin Laden can't be that stupid if (supposedly) the Americans haven't found him after 7 years using the best satellite technology, Bin Laden is just as clever as Hitler, except times have changed, if Bin Laden was in the Hitler era he would have had more success at killing more people.

  13. Who says the city has to be based on a real life city? I think R* could create their own city with all the good features such as good landmarks, beaches, museams etc. Although I think London is still a possiblilty.

  14. Hitler did bad things and some really awful stuff but I think some of the stuff is blamed on Germany as a nation, and thats why some people dont like Germans (I know its a minority) though actually he is Austrian. For me its prejudice.

    Bin Laden is either dead or still alive hiding away in some mountains in Afghanistan, he is a bad person, although again I am not sure, he is a bad person, but I think that he is being made a 'scapegoat' for terrorism in general.

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