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Posts posted by Red_91

  1. Yeah Man Utd are playing Villa today in the FA Cup, should be a cracking game with all the English players trying ot impress the new England manager (Capello)

    Lets remember Middlesbrough beat Arsenal, thats an upset as well.

  2. Listen man, I dont have a specific answer for everything. The 'food for oil' was used in Iraq but notice how Bill Clinton first came up with the idea then the used it when they went to war with Iraq.

    The truth doesn't have to have support from the media etc. It doesn't have to be written down. I have looked at many facts such as the Twin Towers were designed to withstand planes and many other. These things get overlooked in the media.

    I dont need legitimate sources, because really who is going to say publicily that Bush did the twin towers in, if someone like Blair said it there would have been a catastrophe or if someone close says something like this, neverknow we might have an assisination.

    I have done my research and still believe Bush had a part in 9/11. I really cant be asked argueing as I dont think your opinions will change like mine.

  3. MGS4 will be good, maybe some other free roaming type games will be released. A new Driver has been announced but no release date so that could come in 08' other than that can't think of much really.

  4. That's cuz it (the skyscraper) was made in USA.

    You want to blame the Japanese Architect who designed the towers while you're at it? Quit w/ the bashing, it's offensive

    & you can do better than that.

    RD - Bush is PROBABLY taking oil from Iraq? Do you have a reliable source or has your science teacher been going off

    topic in class again? Again, if Bush took the oil, WHY AM I STILL PAYING THESE HIGH PRICES!?! Where is it? Jace was

    dead on when he pointed out that a conspiracy like this couldn't work because of the number of people it would take. Back

    stabbing & betrayal are almost guaranteed & someone would take the opportunity to gain from taking down Bush, politically

    or financially. If he had direct control of the oil, he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret for long.

    I see this a lot in subjects like this, kids halfway around the world "think" this, have their "opinion" on that, but few take

    the time to find any real facts. This whole topic is based on a bunch of YouTube videos.

    Fomr now on everywhere in the world oil is high, and I mean everywhere, America is just stocking up for the most oil getting it for Iraq so when the other countries run out they will have spare. I can't get you a link at the moment (I have a vomit bug) but there was things such as the 'food for oil' programme, this was just an excuse to get oil.

  5. I am not trying to say Bush single handedly done the twin towers, I am just saying he helped with the attacks, did you know he could have sent an aircraft to blow up the second plane but he didn't. When he was informed 'the nation is under attack' he was in a chool reading a childrens book and didn't do anything fo rlike half an hour. Everything just doesn't add upto for me.

    Bin Laden is a dangerous man, I am not denying it, I just do not believe at the time (when al-qaeda) weren't big that he could have done something so big like this all by himself, I heard lots of stupid rumours byt the media at the time such 'they were planning this for years' etc. All in all I think he got help.

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