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Posts posted by Red_91

  1. I doubt this feature about going to court will exist because at first it will be really fun because its new but then it will just get on your nerves a lot of your in trouble. Personally I think though there could be a mission where you have to break out of jail.

    Police will be far more stricter than in previous games and I think that things such as stealing a car will now be more serious than ever. Other things such as shooting in public and blowing up cars will really get the police after you.

  2. To me your a man in a 50/50 situation, I would do what UO said and get a 'Used; PS3/360 and if you like it then keep it but if you dont you can sell it and buy the other console. I think the DLC for gtaIV on 360 is only timed exclusive in my opinion but I don't want to go into that.

    Anyway if you are still undecided just keep looking around and wait on the decision, have you played on either consoles?

  3. Buying your own car (and getting insurance) would be a great feature to have, and I think it could be a possibility because stealing a car now will probably get you a higher star rating as before if it when unnoticed nothing happened. I also think if you are going to buy a car you will have to get it insured incase the car blows up or sometrhing like that. Plus they could have a featre each time the car gets damage, the insurance goes up.

  4. Seriously doubt this would work with people not staying active. Dissapointed that the gang wars are sort of gone now and to be honest I dont think many people have a 360/PS3 yet so that might not work straight away and I wont be buying IV from day 1.

    Although I can see this working for SA MP people and also MTA people, I wouldn't want the gangs gone but there just seems no point in them anymore, all we do in the Private forums is just talk about life generally. The store has not meaning but the points must stay, most people won't do graphics for free, I am sure of it.

  5. Scarface 2 will be good but I would rather have a movie of scarface first then a game to be released alongside it. It would be interesting though how they would do a next movie/game.

  6. Sorry but what I meant is by 'I dont need legitimate sources' was that people with power claiming Bush had a part in 9/11, however thats not going to happen. I have lots of facts, just can't be bothered posting them. No one ever persuaded me that Bush did 9/11, I believe it myself, at first I thought al-quada done it but then I took a step back and wondered whether they could do something this big by themselves (not they were small time terrorists at the time), then the more information I found about Bush e.g linking him with the Bin Ladens and the way he choose not to do anything for about half an hour after the first plane hit, it made sense to me that he was a part of it.

  7. It was ok. I was fortunate enough to see it in an IMAX theatre so it looked awesome, but yeah it was a little disappointing, not much action either, the final battle scene was good though.

    BTW I Am Legend is a massive disappointment too.

    I am Legend is a good film in my opinon, may not be action packed but still a good film nevertheless. There aren't any good films out right now, Sweeney Todd I watched on the internet and thats crap too, but it is quie gruesome.

  8. GAME will be wrong. No one knows a release date yet and I dont think we will until a couple of more weeks. GAME are trying to encourage people to pre-order the game just like LlamaLlama said.

    Until R* have actually released a statement regarding the release date I wont believe anythink I see, For all we know the game could be finished, but there just trying to find the right time to release it.

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