This is what the readme file says:"Daleye by us will be necessary program San Andreas GXT Editor. It is necessary for awarding the name to our bagazhniku.Skachivayem it from any site on GTA- thematics, we start. Now we go into folder text of catalog with the game, and is discovered file american.gxt.Pered by us 3 windows, two to the left even one large to the right. In the upper left window we separate category MAIN. Further in the menu of program "Zapis'"vybirayem "to add" and in the appeared window pishem:.ROOF_.RROBYaZATEL'nO BY CAPITAL LETTERS!!! OK, record added. Now find this record in the lower left window (it will be posledney).Vydelyaem this record single cry by mouse and in the large window we put following tekst:.Chamel Trophy RoofPotom of myshoy we separate any inscription in the left lower window, must opposite record ROOF_.RR be reflected Camel Trophy RoofEsli you use pirate or license transfer, then on this everything. We preserve changes, and it is possible to play! "
Just use a translater man. it was russian. ****may not be accurate****