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Everything posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. ^Quality game, called canis canem edit in the UK though....^ Right now... uhh....Ahh, Vice City... And plasma Pong
  2. Hey all, welcom to the forums guys, just make sure to read the rules, don't piss around... And we have an elite n00b busting army who will castrate you without fail. <- Anonymous...
  3. The hair loss is from the keamotherapy. Anemia is lack of iron in the blood. RIP Camilla...
  4. I think i can sya with confidence you are a nob. We can cheat in SA, according to your opinion, but not the 'stories' series. Backwards logic club. Signup here... Flying cars... Doubt it very much, maybe rockstar are trying to 'grow up' a bit with this one.. More realism, even within the bonus options or cheats or whatever.
  5. I believe in 'occurences' that's like a bad memory of a ghost repeated over and over, like it was there in human form. But i don't believe in 'ghosts' like they have free will, and can move about and scare you and shit.
  6. LOL, ithink he means he messd it up, or corrupted it or somwething, gonna try some GXT editing later ......Wooo it's friday.....
  7. PC Age of empires 3 Age of Empires 3 : The War Cheifs Black & White 2 Company of heroes Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Half life 2 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Prince of Persia : the Two Thrones Supreme Command Worms 4 Mayhem! Rome : Total War Rome : Total War : Alexander F.E.A.R. GRA Vice City Simcity 4 Half Life Half Life generation Half life blueshift (what was i thinking?) Quake II - legendary GTA 1 GTA 2 GTA III Half life 2 Deathmatch Counter Strike Source The Sims 2 PSP Midnight Club 3 DUB.Edit (horrid load times) Burnout Legends LCS VCS NES Mario Bros 3 Mario Bros. Duck Hunt WWF Wrestling Rad Racer Will lisrt more when arsed...
  8. you think i'm funny huh? Well, i'm damned if i eat fudge on a tuesday...

    Wait... it's tuesd...

    AH CRAP!

  9. TBH, i'd rather sit down with my mates, witht the TV on and watch the big match live (soccer). But to play? tough one, i'd say i'm 100 times better at soccer than say, rugby, so i enjoy that, but then in rugby, it's funny to watch people get hurt, and to hurt people, so i'm undecided.
  10. Go die. Awesome vid... Me likey Also : not a single stunt flawed and OMG @ teh bowt J^mp @ 1;Terty toooo!
  11. sweet double post. Be patient Dont double post - be patient I don't know personally, but no doubt god (gerard) will get back to you shortly...
  12. Yeah, i saw it last week to, wahta way to burn 20 mins of my life. 'I put the keypesses in, mario, and you do what i ask...' - love it. 'Okay, mario, here we go, you're gona go into that castle, you gonna rescue the princess, and the next thing you know... You gonna get laid tonoght ok?. Lets go...'
  13. No, y'know, this topic being about PHOTOSHOPS. It doesn't honestly look all that amazing. It's a bunch of GTA IV logos distorted and lowered in opacity to make it appear as it they are really on the building. Yeah, that or he channged the blend style to overlay, standard job really, but surprised you actually took the timne to do it
  14. Thanks man, appreciate that... You'd probably wanna meet my mates, they're all way funnier than me. Olly has me in 20-30 minute laughing fits rendering me unable to breathe like twice a day.... But cheers.... I wanna meet Gerard aka. 'God'
  15. First of all, it was a patriot. THEN it was hyman memorial stadium.. Then, i'm not precisely sure, don't even know any of their names...
  16. Have an extra pair of eyes, like a mate or sumthin, to help you spot when you van see the plane on the radar, so you can concentrate on the scree, it really helps man. And do a half cuban when you see the plane (like half a loop, then half a barrel roll after, so you end up goin the same way as the plane, but a bit higher, so you can swoop down to gain the extra speed. From then on, itsa peice of chocolate cake...
  17. You can switch 'em off inside, there's a little room wit a control panel, and 2 scientists 2 ice if you feel the urge
  18. Ricardo Diaz -> wild guess. What vehicle spawned around the back of the 'parade of shops' prop at the film studios? (hope you know where i mean )
  19. NO! DONT touch, no touchy, no handy in the hotty watery? Comprende? Good. I try... I really do... Nice to know my work is appreciated... Lookin' back, damn that was funny! [/modesty/]
  20. MrLlamaLlama


    This loks col. I think it might be pit to the post by the people like me who practically grew up with classic games, like Tony hawks. And you gotta ask whether this game will have the liscences for ofiicial, pro skaters, which is another big seller for Tony. I mean, it's brushed off the competition like it was nothin so far, and i think EA are trying to muzzle in on their success. It's gonna flop IMO, and Good ol' tony will stand stronger, and older, that ever... OGTAM, it's all part of GTAlayer's character, y'know? Just drop it, and ignore. Hell, if it bugs you so much make a flame topic, where people can tell you how unnecessary it is there. OK?
  21. where is that on Paint See, paint is for 3 year old, so doesn't have a magic eraser, due to the fact it requires more brainpower thatn an infant can comprehend, until its face swells.
  22. You better not be mocking the N64 Goldeneye for life1 Want it for the NES, or better yet the 'gamegear' if you don't know what that is, don't EVER call yourself a gamer.... Well, i'm gonna go to sleep now, since this^ will noly happen in my drerams. nightnight
  23. It was actually : 'as long as it's cheap and sleazy'
  24. water is boiling when its bubbling violently. When you don't touch it for fear of never being able to wan.... walk again...
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