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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I've become so desensitised by gory pictures on the internet, that only certain images (usually disgusting diseases) actually make me wanna turn away.

    I could look at goatse, lemonparty, meatspin etc. all day... doesn't bother me one bit now.

    Yeah, same here. It's just like you don't care anymore about it after looking for so long.

  2. I had a SNES for awhile, when I was way younger. I guess around 2000? Went to the flea market, they had some, but waaaay over priced. PS1 too, but I lent it to a friend and he moved to California >.>

  3. My mom's jeep is faster than an 00 Accord :ph34r: Runs out of steam at about 70 though

    Then the accord blows by at 70 right? :P I would have to guess I4 model though. We're still looking for my grandma a car, and there's a lot to be done to the '90 Accord just to make it look nice stock-wise. ):

  4. No, this guy will never have any chances at ever becoming a part of the staff. Ask Sky more about the advertising.

    Lawl, even though he advertised, the link doesn't even go anywhere. The worst advertiser ever. Well, if that's the case then, I guess he won't be a staff member then.

    Guess who changed it? lawl. Just people like that have an extremely long way to go, and there's way more potentials from the start off when someone new signs up. Why do you want to be a mod anyway? Power? Ha. No.

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