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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. lol

    Just take something dude, why would it matter that much? I could understand if the names were stuff that were unique, but these are just.. basic. And BTW, don't be a smartass, it doesn't work for you. :/

  2. ^^ Could you please refrain from posts like that, keep it on topic, and a little more detail if you absolutely have to post. I know a few friends still play it, they're older than me :/ Is it that addicting?

  3. Made it better, but when Frame Limiter is on it makes it a little jerky, and off it's slower, but still fast :/ Don't guess there's anything else to do, heh. Thanks anyway.

    edit: Weird, I went to play it again and it's fine. Thanks!

  4. I've got an AMD Athlon X2 4200+ going on 2gigs of ram. GTA1 runs like I'm on some really bad crack. It's super smooth, just fast. Any ideas how to fix this? I've tried gta manager, but there are no settings in there :S

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