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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. No, that's for Jews if I'm not mistaken. But basically it's just the same..

    Yeah, it's like the upperhalf of the animal is 'Kosher'. And no pork (Or any oddities like say skunk)

  2. If it's new I wouldn't worry about sound card. You've got enough RAM, and i honestly can't remember how to check video. You should be fine though dude. I would really hope that thing came with more than 16MB of onboard, it probably has around 32 or 64.

  3. Right click on "My Computer" and put the specs in this topic and I'll be able to tell you.

    edit: I see your edit there, it more than likely will. If you have a dualcore, the game will run a little wierd and you'll have to adjust the settings (Or I did atleast)

  4. * 450 MHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor

    * 96 MB of RAM

    * 4X speed CD/DVD drive

    * 700 MB of free disk space

    * 16 MB video card with DirectX 8.1 compatibility drivers

    * DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card

    * Keyboard

    * Mouse

    * DirectX 8.1


  5. Ah, no way I'll be able to get it for a while then, any console would be a challenge to get ahold of right now >.> Played some way earlier RS games though, like back on N64. Those were awesome... and Golden eye, wow. I loved that game.

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