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Everything posted by Slyde
Errm, if guys actually read it, it clearly is a sick prank played by the teens. This topic is only made for lulz.
Source More feces
It's the only GTA site i go to get info. It's a place where i discuss GTA and mess around.
MGS is fine, i think people just loves GTA IV a lot more. They get angry when people hate it. *Cough* GTA IV Forum..
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Awesome, now i know what's to expect. I'd like to read the spam.
Talk about bad luck. My school holidays ends at April 28th.
We've got many PC gamers here and i'm just wondering who is waiting for the PC release of GTA IV. It is going to take sometime if it will release, but it is something i'm waiting for. As much as i love GTA, i don't have the money to afford a new console especially after buying a new pc.
What will you do first in the game?
Slyde replied to little_homer's topic in GTA IV Discussion + Help
I'm just going to walk around, enjoy the view. -
Granted, but she has a penis. I wish for an uncorrupted dream.
Example: - The guy on top would sayGranted, but find out the wish expires in 2 minutes - You would say I wish every girl in the world would want to sexz me. - Your wish And it goes on... I'll start, I wish this topic goes well.
Source Poor table.
GTA IV Trailer #4 Released Plus New Exclusive Screenshot!
Slyde replied to Chris's topic in GTA IV News
Great as always, too short though -
Now this is old news. It's available on steam. Great game, i recommend it.
How can you fuse with a toilet in 2 days? I heard Jay Leno joking about this during his monologue last week.
Winavi should do the job. But you would need the full version. *cough*
You don't need to buy a new pc imo as your current build is already pretty good. CPU definitely need an upgrade, a Intel E6750 would do the job. Graphics i would recommend the 512 8800 GTS. Better than the GT and come close to the GTX. Money wise, it's better than the GTX. Unless you want to spend less, get a 9600GT. It's about 10~20% worse than the 8800 GT. Obviously, even if u wait the 9800 it is going to be too pricy for your budget. Oh and your modem sucks. That's all i can say right now.
A errm ending has already been made so there isn't going to be any new ones.
BTW this should go to the entertainment section.
On a budget? If he thought of a 8500, it's pretty obvious hes not gonna get anything like that or a 3870X2. 9800GT is not even out yet. The release date is still a rumour. How is 8600GT a bad card? Great for it's value and as Righty said, it's a great card. WRONG
A 600 watt power supply would be fine. I would personally prefer a 8600GT since it is a great mid-range card with only about $40 extra that you gotta pay. Oh and the 8500 is not good for gaming. How much are you willing to pay and what sort of stuff are you going to do on the PC? Though 8600 is great, its still not all that powerful. Come to think of it, the 9600 have just came out. Great card, bit worse than the 8800gt but makes up with the cheaper price.