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Everything posted by Slyde

  1. Its bad, not stupid. Think.
  2. How come? Because it's bad. ITS BAD COZ I STARTED TEH BAD TOPIC, IM TEH ALL MIGHTY RULER!!!(unless the mod or admin purifies it)
  3. ITS bad because the topic finally has a point.
  4. Explain why it's so bad.
  5. ITS PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME think about it.
  6. I dunno, depends what a houes is WWYDI If i uploaded your everyday life footage on Youtube?
  7. Join in WWYDI a constipated giant man raped you on the floor covered in you own vomit while you were drunk after a night being raped by 4 hairy men, two cows and a donkey?
  8. Just put the video code between youtube bars The video code is the one after the = www.youtube.com/watch=?v=qwertyuiop1234567 Let me think... Adriana Mezzadri (???), Alessandro Safina (ITA) , Ombladon (RO) and others ... cool ty
  9. Post your favourite non-English music artist! Doesn't have to be your favourite, but one you heard from some random place that you enjoyed. Post a description of it, even if we have no idea what that song is from. Just something new to post about! Mine: This song is awesome! By Younha
  10. it doesn't tick, just really dislike the feeling of staring so i have to close my eyes almost completely (considering that i still want to look around) Oh yeh I've nothin to hide, im all open. It doesn't happen when i talk to people casually
  11. The Website The topic is "How to get a girl and other expert advices" lol. Oh yeh my bro plays that game and i just like to skim around the weird off topic forums. Its awesome.
  12. Its not actually a problem but kind of like a phobia, i dunno. Anyway, when ever i stare at somebody in the eye on purpose i can't stand it and its kind of painful. People also make stupid faces with their eyes going all weird and when i look at it, my eyes are forced to shut. Obviously i never tried to do any weird eye faces, it not thats its disgusting. Kind of confusing to say, i just don't like looking at eyes and of course i love me own eyes. Just wondering if anyone has this "problem" because only i seem to experience it. Kind of like a WTF?! topic but yeah...
  13. A Stupid Guide To Relationship For Guys (My opinion). (Found on another Forum, that guy was completely serious) Just something to lol at Had to edit because didn't realize it was cut into two posts
  14. I only have 600 dollars..why don't you want my love? (I would lol if Mods or Admins post and lock the topic) EDIT: I WIN, I love my self
  15. Be the last person to post in this topic and i will give you my love. Nah just play it. It would be pretty gay if i was to be the only person to post in my topic....I could probably cry, you would not want that. Post till you win!
  16. Relationship Guide ^ Probably ruin the sense of this topic but just something to look at. Pancakes rofl, kind of sound like if he he is exceedingly desperate for some attention (What a intimate forum, helping each other out. W00t)
  17. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest Post it like this. (Example) and (if you want). Its safe,quick and free!
  18. Some spoof (obviously) of GTA IV going to be for Wii and that they had to lower the graphics down to fit Wii. Trailer I got it from some other GTA website forgot what it was. Think it is for April's Fool. EDIT: Got the web if anyone wants to see Site
  19. I was a bit surprised when i did not see a Favorite TV Show topic...So lets start one! Anyway i still love TV so here is the shows i like Scrubs 24 House Family Guy The start of Prison Break Can't think of any right now. Share. BTW This is how you spell Favourite right?
  20. Damn i can't wait!!! SHEET!!! This is going to be bigger that ninja turtles movie!
  21. Slyde


    Added link to another Jap prank video, go first post
  22. Slyde


    Toilet Prank I'm sure you guys have seen this but here it is anyway. No nude if you're wondering lawl its so cruel. EDIT: Another Jap video made by the same people if anyone is interested. They are soo damn hilarious Spa Prank Note that the intro might be boring but bear with as it is damn worth it. Mission 2 is always the best, wait for it!
  23. yeah i reinstalled it before...
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