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Everything posted by Godfather

  1. @ Architecht: Its not the place for you to ask stupid questions, this topic is all about sarcastic answers you know @ Jaakko: It swipes back in its mp3! :
  2. The you'll teach me. -.-
  3. Cause 20 mens have 20 butts! Me
  4. Cause im not. @Archibrekt. : Oh, I guess is Rövlin?
  5. You still dont have a olympic goldmedal Is yer girldfriend hot? Koenigsegg (spell this bitch)
  6. @CroScorpion: He dont have a meaning, he's poo @Jaakko: Your name is Jaakko, you live in Finaland and Sweden kicked yer ass in hockey some days ago
  7. Beer, chicks and counterstrike. Phun till u die
  8. Ask me questions. And i'll give you the answer you deserve!
  9. Hockey. Football are for sissys, and everything else is boring
  10. I so not live in Chile... Im a swede
  11. Best day so far, 1-0 against Finland! I luuuuv beating Finland
  12. Ive seen it. I liked it. The second is better tho
  13. Todeeee! Me and a other guy did a video today, I edited it in like 15 minutes, and we did the stunts in almost the same time.
  14. I agree with almost everything Ghost said. Though, you should think of this to the next time. 1. Remove the replay text, its not a biggie, but it looks ugly. 2. Try to aim for roofs more, just dont 50ft up in the sky and then fall down on the ground again
  15. Ava. 11/10 wubbly Sig. 6/10. gangsigs are boring, but the DS one is nicely done
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