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Everything posted by Godfather

  1. Why the hell are u making a copy of Ask USS? WH did TMS did XSA did CF did ATS did WW did I DID. Stop!
  2. GM is the p2b whore and not me. Blame him (A)
  3. Heyhey, I want you to tell me whats cheated in there
  4. I show him me (nude) in the webcam.
  5. din svenska e kass

  7. Anyone wanna know GM's stunts? :shifty:
  8. No, I support good grammar (even though my is the worst around here)
  9. EWWWWWWW! You have no socks on! :gross:
  10. roflmao. thats not transparent, and I realized I said wrong to you, sorry. I wanted a 42 signature
  11. I asked myself that question when I saw you... must be something terrible
  12. Vincent, thats cerebal pares
  13. You-you-you-you wasn't serious right?
  14. Homework to art class 7/6: Paint, or photograph a self-portrait, if you photograph it, improve the picture in Photoshop (e.g changing your skin color, hair or whatever else you have in your mind. We've got this funny homework, this is what I did.
  15. Wanna be my GF silberio?
  16. u must wear her for more than 3 days. duh
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