Oh well, Im not that familiar with the laws of England. Im only telling you how it is in Sweden really. Guess our nations don't share the same opinion about sex
Not really no, the rule is only there to prevent kids being abused by peoples who's 60 years older than them, if two kids at the same or almost the same age, have sex and get's caught, there's almost impossible for the government to do something (As long as both the kids want to have sex, you're fine. Basically)
Most Knowledgeable (GTA3): Ghost
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Well, a lot of team qualified today, England wasn't one of them. Big shock for me
Sweden qualified, woho
Finland didn't, woho
Norway didn't, woho
Denmark didn't, woho
What do you think about the teams that's ready? Anyone you miss?
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Emperor Of The Big Dark Fire In Mount Doom With A Goal To Kill Gays.
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