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Posts posted by Highwire

  1. Wow this topics been around for awhile and I haven't posted yet :)

    *More cars you'd normally see in the city (Like Toyotas, Nissans, Hondas, etc)

    *More ways to make money (Street racing, gambling, robbing)

    *More enterable buildings/a mall (But only if theres gonna be robberies)

    *More clothes

    *Different weapons (There always seems to be the same few weapons every game)

    *More gang related (Like SA)

    *More Side missions

    *Be able to interact with citizens on the street

    I'll think of more

  2. I'm friends with Joe online. I was really surprised when he told me he was on X-Factor and even more surprised when he told me he won. Everyone thinks hes lieng about being Joe because, well, his real names Hinza but he said they messed up. Oh well. I don't watch X-Factor but 'Joe' showed me a vid on Youtube of 'him' and he was pretty good. So I was voting for him.

  3. GTA Awards

    Most Knowledgeable (GTA Portables):

    Most Knowledgeable (Classic GTAs):

    Most Knowledgeable (GTA 3 Era): SmokinRE4

    Most Knowledgeable (GTA IV Era): Raybob

    Most Knowledgeable (Modifications):

    Best Member Awards

    Most Respected Member: TM

    Most Respected Staff Member: Sherman

    Best Forum Boss: Mpilk901

    Most Helpful Member:

    Most Intelligent Member: Gerard

    Best Debater: Bear

    Highest Quality Posts: Spaz The Great

    Most Improved Member:

    Best New Member of 2009: [Joined since December 2008]

    Random Awards

    Funniest Member:

    Biggest Geek:

    Most Original Username: MrLlamaLlama

    Most Missed Member: crazychicken

    Member You'd Most Want to Meet:

    Creative Awards

    Best Avatar:

    Best Signature: Noru

    Best Graphics Designer:

    Best Creative Writing:

  4. I was NEVER really bullied till like there was a fight or something. Just small 'comments' from my friends. For me its like Raybob but the group I'm in sometimes makes fun of other people. To be honest, I get involved sometimes too but I cant help it everyones so stupid/retarted sometimes. It'll change when I'm in High School since everyone would be more mature. But some of the kids that made the small comments are in my group, but it doesn't bother me everyone knows that were joking around when we bug eachother. Sometimes they mean it but oh well. From my experiences, to get rid of a bully you just have to stand up. A lot of bullies can be nice and if you stand up they'll leave you alone because most of the time they're just trying to be popular. If that doesn't work, it's time to get your hands dirty.

  5. That language thing is a good idea. Maybe we could have a thing (Like a drop-down box)to select which language they can view the forum in. Like we could put 5 or 6 popular languages and when someone comes online they can view the forum in their language. Also when the person has their language on and is viewing the forum they could make a topic in their language and if we have it on English we could still see it. Is that possible?

  6. I used to come here and post a lot because there was all this news and topics I haven't posted in. But after awhile I noticed there were only people joining to post a question about their GTA then they leave. I think we have to find a way to keep those members coming back for more. Like maybe we could offer something to them other then help or mods.. Any suggestions?

  7. When I get cracks for my games usually it depends on what version. Like if I have SA 1.0 and I downloaded a 1.1 fixed exe it wouldn't work. if you got the right version crack then try downloading some other options. I don't recommend using Patches. Use fixed exes. If that doesn't work then just use your CD.

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