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Scarface 23

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Everything posted by Scarface 23

  1. I had a PSP, but i traded it in not long after LCS was released.
  2. You'll need to download it from google. There are a lot of people who play. Look on youtube.
  3. Most prob will do, LCS did. So this should IMO.
  4. Or... You could be a cop who used to work with Tenpenny. And get involved with a gang. And go on from that.
  5. Oh, I hardly play vc. I own it but i haven't played it yet.
  6. Lmao. I finished it within 3 days of the uk release. Im playing...Shock!...Horror!... Gta: San andreas.
  7. Lol. Have you finished it yet? The ending is shocking...
  8. Ludacris - Money Maker. South Park - Beer Song Cartman - Come sail Away.
  9. Small pic, Dont take the piss out of me. Im only 14...
  10. Maybe the late 90's, or Early 2000. Vc was like the 70's, Maybe a little more modern.
  11. The chainsaw from the 'scarface bathroom scene'.
  12. I'd be either CJ, Or Claude. Dont ask why...
  13. I'd Like: Custom Jewellery, Like gold and platium and stuff. Custom Characters. Unlockable guns by doing certain stuff.
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