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Everything posted by Tyla

  1. I read in OPS2 magazine last month that it was rumored that GTA4 would be set in New York, but apart from that, no.
  2. The Soprano's : Road to respect. You cant explore anywhere the game wants you to, and stop in 3 or 4 environments throughout the storyline(the bada-bing, the gym, the meat shop, the hospital). You can complete the game by using one move, punch, and even when you get to use a gun, you end up emptying the whole clip because the shitty aiming system. Waste of £20.
  3. You need to get 1,000,000 criminal rating to get King Of SA ranking.
  4. Sounds good GTA, if not something like that then i would like to see a game in the present day, or late 80's.
  5. The game is based around extorting businesses, yes.
  6. So what? If you base a game in Japan, the peds are going to speak japaneese. Its common sense, its like setting a game in germany and saying they wont be speaking german.
  7. I dont know if you went over this, im new here, the thread needs to be closed anyway, i have no debate to put forward now, the people above kind of put the lid on things.
  8. Sounds good, thanks for the update Chris.
  9. The Desert Eagle, its great when you get it to hitman level.
  10. Even so, i highly doubt that they will be speaking it out of their english lesson. Another point against Japan/Korea for me is the music. The soundtrack wouldnt be as good as the likes of Vice City or San Andreas, because it would be mainly J-Pop. Cars are another point against Japan/Korea. Yes, im aware there are Nissan Skyline's, Mazda Rx7's, Supra's, but we cant just see those driving around all the while.
  11. Saints Of The Underground - Good Times.
  12. Ah fair enough, it was worth a thought though, thanks for the comments guys.
  13. For those of you who are wondering why there were posters of smiley faces hidden in Vice City, here's your answer. The text in the picture is too small to read here, but if you zoom into it with the sniper you can see what it reads. "You are standing on USJ 005a, a fine new addition to our great city that isn't contrived at all. Have you found the 10 easter eggs? Rockstar Leeds would like to thank you for playing the game and letting us have a rockin' christmas party." You can find this place near the stadium in downtown. Credit to -sypder- over at gta4.tv for the pics.
  14. Taken from Wikipedia Japaneese is the first langauge to residents of Japan, and Korean is the first langauge to residents of Korea. Maybe they learn English, the same as we learn basic French, Spanish, German. You wont find a group of Japaneese people in the street talking in English to each other. And i also belive, that the Yakuza(which im assuming will be the main gang, if set in Japan) are a very traditional organisation? And seen as Japaneese is the first and original language in Japan, the Yakuza members will all be speaking Japaneese, the same as the pedestrians, police etc.
  15. This is the shot of Vic in Vice City, he looks more like Lance here. And then here, in VCS, he looks alot different, no beard, no hair, not as fat and obviously, the accent.
  16. I was just starting a new game on Vice City, and watching the opening cutscene it crossed my mind, was that Vic getting slaughtered? or was it Pete? I know a lot of people think and say that was Vic, but what if it was Pete?. Vic was fresh out the marines in 1984, he was well built. In the VC cutscene the Vance brother is Big, and crouched as if he was limping, or in some sort of pain. Its a known fact that Pete had asthma, so could the dust from the heli have sent him into a minor ashtma attack? Also, notice the accents. The Vance brother in the VC cutscene has a strong Latin accent, but in VCS, Vic has a clear American accent. Rockstar wouldnt have made Vic speak pure American without a reason, im sure, or else they would of had Vic speak with a Latin accent, not american. Also notice the fact that a name for the Vance brother isnt given in the game by Lance or anyone else, so could this have actually been Pete Vance?
  17. V-Rock kicked ass. Breaking the chains and Round and Round were great tracks to have playing when you were in a police chase. Fresh 105 was a big let down for me though, the DJ was a wanker, he was so full of himself.
  18. I liked the Vance gang, the Cholo's were just too cocky for me. The Polaris V8 wins my gang car vote, the car kicked so much ass. I also liked the Cholo Sabre, the fact that it was lowered and the wheel's were modded made the car look better than the regular sabre.
  19. Yeah. I would like to see cop's that actually have brains. In San Andreas I could be getting massacred by Ballas and the police wouldnt take intrest, but as soon as I would do something stupid or petty, like hitting my own car, for instance, they would chase me. I also want to see cops reasoning with us to give up, maybe crouching behind they're cruiser's and shouting to us to drop the weapon, and give up, not just running at us firing away.
  20. You can pick up both games for about £30. Play.com has VCS for £14.99.
  21. Im hoping they fixed the glitches that were on the psp version, but im hoping they added the ability to enter the Malibu club and the Pole Position once again.
  22. Wow that will be intresting then, cheers Chris.
  23. I thought Dildo Dodo was the hardest mission. I hated trying to fly that sea plane!
  24. Have you played The Godfather, Wu-zi? That gives you a brief taster of what GTA would be like in the 1920's. Veichle's wouldnt be very varied, I dont think there would be any radio, and there wouldnt be as much possabilities as there would be in a more modern setting.
  25. As far as im aware, they dont speak English in Japan or Korea, so are we going to be reading subtitles all through our game? Yes, they could be programmed to speak English, but how un-realistic would that be? 2 top dogs of the Yakuza speaking English to each other?
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