You know it was Liberty City, so say it next time, and no one knows Vercetti's parents names.
What Bank does Tommy Vercetti, Phil Cassidy and Cam Jones Rob?
It wasnt.
Question above: SWAT Tank.
On which box cover does it say: to the ghetto?
It WAS, go read the eralier posts, and i already answered Cro's post
What State is Vice City in?
That question was already answered in this topic, go back some pages, and VCS had the most dramatic story if you ask me.
Where in San Andreas is "Avery Construction"?
Because Woozie told CJ that doing a heist was a whole diffrent league so they planned it all out.
What gun is Tommy Vercetti always seen using?
EDIT: Lamma is right, please don't reply in this topic if you're just going to say "I don't know".