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Red Mob Topic?


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Obviously not, considering this guy can't even come up with an original name.

Yeah I did it didn't work read Spaz's post to know why, and who cares if I dont have good Username Ideas? I'll change it in 30 Days.

Actually, he can't use the search feature. Both "Red" and "Mod" are three letter words and cannot be searched with the search feature. Kind of stupid, really.

What is the red mod topic? I've never heard of it.

I dont know either but the ppl in the LCF said I got em' into trouble by one of my posts in there but I checked in the my post thing and I couldn't find it.

Edited by InvincibleDonkey
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Yeah.It was a little Typo i had made.Its the Red Mob Topic that i meant.The Gangs dead right now.It merged with VM.

Lol.A whole new topic for that.

Well we got that settled but I still need to know what I said in the Red Mob Topic that made the LCF not let me in. Do u know? cuz you were there.

That was the reason why you weren't let in... well, also you were too new of a member at that time.

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True. A few days after you joined, you began to post around places, and ofcourse you posted in our recruitment topic, here was what you posted in our recruitment topic:

Can I Join The Liberty Crime Family


At the time you were new, so we wouldn't accept you unless you've been here more longer. But still, you never changed, so we didn't allow you in for that reason, as well, I was pissed at you since you posted in the Red Mob topic and said crap about us. So sorry you still won't be allowed for that reason.

And now it's settled.

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