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I will complete any mission for you, for PC users only.


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  Iron-Fe said:
Thanks man ....

Glad to help, I'll get back to you.;)

  timmeh said:
Can you please finish Freefall for me?

Here's the file -> http://gtasnp.com/7161

Thnx :lol:

Sure, I'll do it now.

Mission Passed!



NO CHEATS were used.


GTASAsf3.zipFetching info...

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  MichaelOH said:

Need your amazing skills to complete "vertical bird" for me!

Thanks so much,


I'll do it now. :)

Mission Passed!


I wasn't quite sure which version of the game you had.

Try this link:


If that doesn't work, then try this one:


NO CHEATS were used.


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  b0begn0ps said:
hey i cant complete the rest of flying school/n.o.e. and the zero missions without getting busted :)

http://gtasnp.com/7266 is my save file

Sure, I'm doing them right now.

All missions have been passed:

Learning to Fly, all-Golds




Supply Lines


Asset Acquired


New Model Army



NO CHEATS were used.


GTASAsf1.zipFetching info...

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  razius said:
You can help me with the flight school? I hate this stage.

(please no post files from gta files websites i want my game)

sorry for my english.

Thank you

you ROCK!!!

My save -> http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/8/29/193448/GTASAsf7.b


Learning to Fly, all-Golds

Mission Passed!



NO CHEATS were used.


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ok so here is the deal, got to and bought verdant medows, did first few flying missions, not all gold but I'm not worried about that. For some reason I just can not do the "blow up stuff" part, no matter how hard I try I can not do it in less than 2minutes, 2:45 was the best time I got, and thats way to slow. if you get me a gold I'll be happy but all I need/reguest/beg of you is that mission, I can do the loop and barol roll missions by myself (I hope). so if it is possible could you please just do the "blow stuff up" part of the flying lessons? thank you in advance. BTW link below for saved game. I know zeros last mission isn't done yet but thats just beceause I have so much fun on that mission I don't save it, i'll do it after I get the flying lessons done.

one last thing, if you could make 2 saves, one with all flying lessons done and one with just the "blow stuff up" done I'd like that to, but if I'm asking to much, just the one.


"First post" YAY

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  simbiant4 said:
ok so here is the deal, got to and bought verdant medows, did first few flying missions, not all gold but I'm not worried about that. For some reason I just can not do the "blow up stuff" part, no matter how hard I try I can not do it in less than 2minutes, 2:45 was the best time I got, and thats way to slow. if you get me a gold I'll be happy but all I need/reguest/beg of you is that mission, I can do the loop and barol roll missions by myself (I hope). so if it is possible could you please just do the "blow stuff up" part of the flying lessons? thank you in advance. BTW link below for saved game. I know zeros last mission isn't done yet but thats just beceause I have so much fun on that mission I don't save it, i'll do it after I get the flying lessons done.

one last thing, if you could make 2 saves, one with all flying lessons done and one with just the "blow stuff up" done I'd like that to, but if I'm asking to much, just the one.


"First post" YAY

Sure thing, I'll do it this afternoon when I'm near my computer.

I'm assuming that you're referring to test called Destroy Targets, when said "blow stuff up"

Destroy Targets only, test passed:



Learning to Fly, all-Golds



NO CHEATS were used.


Destroy_Targets_only.zipFetching info...

Learning_to_Fly_complete.zipFetching info...

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  zmoonchild said:
  simbiant4 said:
ok so here is the deal, got to and bought verdant medows, did first few flying missions, not all gold but I'm not worried about that. For some reason I just can not do the "blow up stuff" part, no matter how hard I try I can not do it in less than 2minutes, 2:45 was the best time I got, and thats way to slow. if you get me a gold I'll be happy but all I need/reguest/beg of you is that mission, I can do the loop and barol roll missions by myself (I hope). so if it is possible could you please just do the "blow stuff up" part of the flying lessons? thank you in advance. BTW link below for saved game. I know zeros last mission isn't done yet but thats just beceause I have so much fun on that mission I don't save it, i'll do it after I get the flying lessons done.

one last thing, if you could make 2 saves, one with all flying lessons done and one with just the "blow stuff up" done I'd like that to, but if I'm asking to much, just the one.


"First post" YAY

Sure thing, I'll do it this afternoon when I'm near my computer.

I'm assuming that you're referring to test called Destroy Targets, when said "blow stuff up"

Destroy Targets only, test passed:



Learning to Fly, all-Golds



NO CHEATS were used.


THANK YOU!!!!!!! only got this game a year ago, I've been able to do all the way up to that point several times, maybe I should get a gamepad or something? Yes, I use the keyboard to play.

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  simbiant4 said:
THANK YOU!!!!!!! only got this game a year ago...

Glad to help. :)

  simbiant4 said:
...I've been able to do all the way up to that point several times, maybe I should get a gamepad or something? Yes, I use the keyboard to play.

I prefer a keyboard and a mouse; in fact, I recently had to replace both of them because some of the buttons had stopped working or had just gotten too loose.

I’ve been playing games on computer (PC) since the earlier 80’s, other than that, the only console I’ve ever enjoyed was my Atari 2600 when I was a child.

My old Atari 800 Computer had joystick capability, but it also had a standard keyboard; aside from that, all computer games for me have been with a keyboard and mouse.

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  Lou Park said:
Pls. Can you help me with that mission where you have to fly a dodo and jack a shamal.( at the caligula's). Pls gimme a save file. :lolbounce:

Sure, here you go…


Mission Passed!

93.58% Game Progress



NO CHEATS and no mods and no trainers have been used,

it’s a completely legitimate game.


GTASAsf1.zipFetching info...

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Back to School

Mission Passed!

Driving Skill +


Jethro called twice:

First, to let C.J. know about the unofficial street racing club in San Fierro. (Street/Air Races are now available)

Second, to ask C.J. to purchase Wang Auto's; which I did, for $50,000.

Bike School complete

Motorbike Skill +


Boat School complete



Mission Passed!



Mission Passed!

Respect +


this mission took away your handgun, so I found a Desert Eagle to fill the empty slot.

I didn't complete Saint Mark's Bistro because there are still other missions that need to be completed before that becomes available.

I didn't want to complete anything that you didn't request to be completed.

The game is saved at the Abandoned Airfield.

NO CHEATS were used.

Click here to download it

or download it from GTA Save-N-Play

paste at wher tat file?

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  Lou Park said:
Hey i screwed up my player.img file trying to install the vegeta mod. Can you gimme a backup file pleease!

I'll be really greatful!!! :unsure: :'(

Sorry, no can do.

The only kind of file-sharing that is allowed is saved-game files. :nope:

You need to get that file off of your DVD; or reinstall if you're using v3.0

  Gh_MaFia said:
hi dear zmoonchild

i have problem in mission freefall. can u help me?

heres my save.

thanks alot :worship:


Mission Passed!



NO CHEATS were used.


GTASAsf5.zipFetching info...

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  zmoonchild said:
If you’re having problems passing a mission, then simply supply a link where I can download your saved-game from.

GTA Save-N-Play is the easiest site for uploading and downloading any GTA:SA saved-game.

Be specific in what mission you want completed, list any details that you think are important.

Your saved-game can also be uploaded as an attachment on your post, meaning you can actually attach it here on this forum.

I would suggest sending your saved-game to a ‘zip’ folder prior to uploading it on this forum, that way you’ll reduce it’s size. (‘zip’ folders don’t work on GTA Save-N-Play)

I can complete both version 1 and version 2 requests.

I own Version 1, however, I use a Version 2 conversion program, which allows me to complete version 2 saved-games.

(technically, I do own the version 2 DVD of GTA:SA; I bought it after if was released, I just never use it)

Please keep in mind that, I’m not always on this forum. I have a day job, and can only complete requests during my free time.

I never use cheats (but if you do, that's okay with me, I will not use any when I complete your mission), and always get all-Golds in any school.

Driving School is the only one school that takes longer than 15 minutes to get all-Golds in; usually between 15 and 30 minutes.

Why am I doing this?

I just enjoy playing the game.


Please help me to complete this Freefall Mission. I'm stuck here, my save game can be downloaded at http://gtasnp.com/7597. Please email me the save game with the completed mission at hunainkhatri@hotmail.com

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  Gh_MaFia said:
thanks alot for 100 times!!! :thumbsup::clapping:

Glad to Help. :)

  Hunain Khatri said:
Please help me to complete this Freefall Mission. I'm stuck here, my save game can be downloaded at http://gtasnp.com/7597. Please email me the save game with the completed mission at hunainkhatri@hotmail.com


Mission Passed:


NO CHEATS were used.



Sorry, I usually don't send e-mails, but I did send you a PM.

GTASAsf4.zipFetching info...

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  zmoonchild said:
  Gh_MaFia said:
thanks alot for 100 times!!! :thumbsup::clapping:

Glad to Help. :)

  Hunain Khatri said:
Please help me to complete this Freefall Mission. I'm stuck here, my save game can be downloaded at http://gtasnp.com/7597. Please email me the save game with the completed mission at hunainkhatri@hotmail.com


Mission Passed:


NO CHEATS were used.



Sorry, I usually don't send e-mails, but I did send you a PM.

Really appreciated your efforts and for your PM. It is unforgettable. Thanks for 1000 times.

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