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Manual & Automatic

K9 Krew

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i know that driv3r is a mistake, but R*would think of something so that the controls wouldn't be so annoying, besides what makes GTA famous? it's the features has never been done before, that's what the game business meant for, creating something new, and thank god for that, we have millions of game varieties, different gameplay and concepts. if we didn't have it we may still be playing mario trying to save the princess. realize something: you could still hold your gameboy playing pacman untill you're dead, or you can sit down w/ your son playing GTA 6 in PS5! game business is dog eats dog, take all the risk you can, and after that the choice is in the hands of God, or fans.

Dude this is not new. Manual gears have been here since the 1st racing games...

i know, but this kind of thing has never done before in an action adventure free roam game, like GTA, or have you ever seen a free roam games w/ manual driving?

@niko bellend: personally,i don't think this'll be a mistake. all i'm saying is, maybe, just maybe if we have the manual feature, the street racing in GTA IV will have drag racing, the AI in people would be more advanced, and so we have more challenges than previous GTA's, who knows, maybe you'll like it if it's really will be in the game.

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That feature would suck

I mostly agree with you on that one.

Driving would get a little complicated in a game if it were like real life to me.

so what? are you guys only see the negative side? manual drivings can be fun, it might be annoying at first because we couldn't know which car is automatic, but we'll learn, we always learn. don't you guys remember SA? where there's a bicycle and new planes that we have to get used to :( ??? besides, it's not that hard remembering which car is auto and manual

If there are 100+ vehicles, it would take time to remember which cars are manual and automatic. You could only remember a few at a time. The bicycles were different because they don't function entirely like cars. All you have to do is push on the pedals and your off. There was just only some extra features on it like faster acceleration pedaling and bunny hops and whatever I didn't say.

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i know, but this kind of thing has never done before in an action adventure free roam game, like GTA, or have you ever seen a free roam games w/ manual driving?

No, but that's because the feature sucks and doesn't sound fun. It's just another hassle. I don't play GTA so I could shift gears. If I wanted to do that, I'd play Forza 2. I play GTA so I could steal cars and shoot people.

Games are supposed to be fun. Drive-bys and crashes sound a hell of a lot more fun than trying to remember which cars are manual and which are automatic, don't you think?

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maybe you could choose to hafve manual or auto in the optin meny ^_^

How about no? Yeah, no sounds fine.

I'm sick of all this compromise bullshit. We don't need GTA 4 delayed because of a feature one person wanted. Especially a feature that would hinder gameplay.

okay! god, i wanted an opinion, not pros & cons <_< , it's not going to be in GTA IV, i was just wondering if it's there, will it be cool?

get matured man, don't be an a**, you are mad because of something like this?? R* wouldn't look at this idea anyway

Edited by ArtSweet
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maybe you could choose to hafve manual or auto in the optin meny ^_^

How about no? Yeah, no sounds fine.

I'm sick of all this compromise bullshit. We don't need GTA 4 delayed because of a feature one person wanted. Especially a feature that would hinder gameplay.

okay! god, i wanted an opinion, not pros & cons <_< , it's not going to be in GTA IV, i was just wondering if it's there, will it be cool?

get matured man, don't be an a**, you are mad because of something like this?? R* wouldn't look at this idea anyway

Hmm, last time I heard, showing the pros and cons of a feature counts as an opinion. And I and other members have shown why it wouldn't be a good idea.

I think that it's you who needs to mature. You're calling me an ass and getting pissy because I don't like the idea of manual transmission in a GTA game. That's my opinion and it seems I have the more popular one. Deal with it.

Edited by Donkey Porker
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maybe you could choose to hafve manual or auto in the optin meny ^_^

How about no? Yeah, no sounds fine.

I'm sick of all this compromise bullshit. We don't need GTA 4 delayed because of a feature one person wanted. Especially a feature that would hinder gameplay.

okay! god, i wanted an opinion, not pros & cons <_< , it's not going to be in GTA IV, i was just wondering if it's there, will it be cool?

get matured man, don't be an a**, you are mad because of something like this?? R* wouldn't look at this idea anyway

Hmm, last time I heard, showing the pros and cons of a feature counts as an opinion. And I and other members have shown why it wouldn't be a good idea.

I think that it's you who needs to mature. You're calling me an ass and getting pissy because I don't like the idea of manual transmission in a GTA game. That's my opinion and it seems I have the more popular one. Deal with it.

whoa, wait, i'm the one who's mad :huh: ?

i've been taking your opinions calmly dude <_< , you've gone mental!

seems like you're keep pushing your opinion, even though i already get it, and i never expected my opinions to be popular man, you wanna be popular? go ahead, but you expect me to deal w/ it? you go deal w/ it, i already let you won dude! what do you want more from me??

oh, and pros & cons is more like an argument, an opinion is where you speak calmly trying to control any situation that's held by a team/organization

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whoa, wait, i'm the one who's mad :huh: ?

i've been taking your opinions calmly dude <_< , you've gone mental!

seems like you're keep pushing your opinion, even though i already get it, and i never expected my opinions to be popular man, you wanna be popular? go ahead, but you expect me to deal w/ it? you go deal w/ it, i already let you won dude! what do you want more from me??

oh, and pros & cons is more like an argument, an opinion is where you speak calmly trying to control any situation that's held by a team/organization

Nah, that wasn't me angry. You have never experienced my angry side. And if you want to keep any dignity you have on these forums, I'd advise you not to make me angry.

You're also taking what I'm saying out of context. I do not say things to be popular. I say things to let what's on my mind known. It's my opinion that manual transmission would suck in a sandbox game, and it just happens that I'm not the only one who thinks that way.

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Second gear is everything? So it's a good idea told hold it on the clutch in 2nd gear whilst at a a standstill? Great one... You'll end up stalling, and maybe getting shot.

IMO, if you want to properly implement gear changes, then you need to implement a clutch feature to go with it. And, many people who play GTA might not know how a stick shift works. Thusly, many blown engines. (Hold the clutch in, full revs, BOOM!)

Anyway, yeah... The point is... Manual transmission = death.

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whoa, wait, i'm the one who's mad :huh: ?

i've been taking your opinions calmly dude <_< , you've gone mental!

seems like you're keep pushing your opinion, even though i already get it, and i never expected my opinions to be popular man, you wanna be popular? go ahead, but you expect me to deal w/ it? you go deal w/ it, i already let you won dude! what do you want more from me??

oh, and pros & cons is more like an argument, an opinion is where you speak calmly trying to control any situation that's held by a team/organization

Nah, that wasn't me angry. You have never experienced my angry side. And if you want to keep any dignity you have on these forums, I'd advise you not to make me angry.

You're also taking what I'm saying out of context. I do not say things to be popular. I say things to let what's on my mind known. It's my opinion that manual transmission would suck in a sandbox game, and it just happens that I'm not the only one who thinks that way.

wait, i'm not so pissed off either until you said that i am, if you wanna say what's on your mind, then say it, but c' mon, is swearing f***ing neccesary?? i already know that manuals going to be sucked, what i don't know is how to make it work, because if it's a success, it'll be a new original feature addition to GTA IV.

maybe you could choose to hafve manual or auto in the optin meny ^_^

How about no? Yeah, no sounds fine.

I'm sick of all this compromise bullshit. We don't need GTA 4 delayed because of a feature one person wanted. Especially a feature that would hinder gameplay.

does that sound like a "not angry side"? that sounds like a pissed off guy to me

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wait, i'm not so pissed off either until you said that i am, if you wanna say what's on your mind, then say it, but c' mon, is swearing f***ing neccesary?? i already know that manuals going to be sucked, what i don't know is how to make it work, because if it's a success, it'll be a new original feature addition to GTA IV.

I only swore once, maybe twice, in this topic, and it wasn't even directed towards you. As a matter of fact, you have sworn as much as or more than I have. As for making manual transmissions work...it's impossible. As other people have said in this topic, you might end up dead because you were to distracted to shift gears.

maybe you could choose to hafve manual or auto in the optin meny ^_^

How about no? Yeah, no sounds fine.

I'm sick of all this compromise bullshit. We don't need GTA 4 delayed because of a feature one person wanted. Especially a feature that would hinder gameplay.

does that sound like a "not angry side"? that sounds like a pissed off guy to me

No, that sounds like a person sick and tired of useless compromising to make everybody happy. As a matter of fact, you first started insulting me. If I recall correctly, you called me an "ass" and that I've "gone mental". And as I also recall, I've been calm enough to not to make a Warzone topic about you. Consider yourself lucky.

Edited by Donkey Porker
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Guys, Shut the fuck up and keep on topic. You're acting as if this is serious, it's not even that serious. Even if Artsweet gives his reasons and justifies them doesn't mean that you can say he's wrong. Please take this to the warzone, if not, you all will be getting some warns on your Rep Logs.

Donkey Porker and Artsweet, are you clear with this or what? Cause I find this pathetic.

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