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PS3 orders outnumber XBOX 2:1?


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Not to sure about this article whether it's fact or fiction, we have yet to hear back from a reliable source on this. An article came in to us stating that they have facts that PS3 orders outnumber XBOX360 order 2:1, take it how you want, but we will file this as a rumor until we get concrete facts.

"It seems that GTA fever is hitting the PS3 world a heck of a lot stronger than Microsoft’s bulky console, with pre-orders at one particular store placing the PS3 iteration ahead by a factor of exactly 2 to 1.

With launch a mere 76 days away, its little surprise that gamers are getting their names down to be assured of a copy of the latest in Rockstar’s sublime series come launch day. Pretty safe to say it’s going to be a popular one really.

Want to hear some actual figures to back up these claims? Well, so far pre-orders for the PS3 stand at a huge 2, while the Xbox 360 languishes at a pitiful single unit.

Oh come on, it’s a bit of bloody humour so don’t start getting abusive or anything. It IS true however that the PS3 version has indeed been enquired about a little more than the 360 version. And pre-order figures are exactly double, so that provocative headline is quite true. Love you all in advance. "

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I wouldn't trust that source. They said at "ONE PARTICULAR STORE"... On top of that, it's a biased writer. He lost all credibility when he said "Microsoft's bulky console" instead of "Xbox 360"... He is clearly biased, and stupid, at that. Considering the size of the PS3 is greater than that of the size of the 360.

I won't take this information as anything more than fanboyism until REAL figures are shown.

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This may have some relevance.

Sony has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that the PlayStation 3 has sold over one million units in the UK.

The console was released in the UK on March 23 last year, meaning it has reached the milestone quicker than the PlayStation 2, which took 50 weeks to sell one million units.

Sony announced back in June 2007 that sales had hit the one million mark across the whole of Europe in just nine and a half weeks.

With sales of the most expensive home console reaching important milestones for Sony, publishers are becoming more confident in the format.

Last week, Electronic Arts stated that it expects the PS3 to outsell the Xbox 360 this year, clocking up between 5 and 6 million units in Europe and up to another 5.5 million units in North America.

Nintendo's Wii reached the one million mark in the UK within 38 weeks on sale, making it the fastest-selling home console in the region.

Microsoft's Xbox 360 sold one million units within 60 weeks.

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Not to sure about this article whether it's fact or fiction, we have yet to hear back from a reliable source on this. An article came in to us stating that they have facts that PS3 orders outnumber XBOX360 order 2:1, take it how you want, but we will file this as a rumor until we get concrete facts.

"It seems that GTA fever is hitting the PS3 world a heck of a lot stronger than Microsoft’s bulky console, with pre-orders at one particular store placing the PS3 iteration ahead by a factor of exactly 2 to 1.

With launch a mere 76 days away, its little surprise that gamers are getting their names down to be assured of a copy of the latest in Rockstar’s sublime series come launch day. Pretty safe to say it’s going to be a popular one really.

Want to hear some actual figures to back up these claims? Well, so far pre-orders for the PS3 stand at a huge 2, while the Xbox 360 languishes at a pitiful single unit.

Oh come on, it’s a bit of bloody humour so don’t start getting abusive or anything. It IS true however that the PS3 version has indeed been enquired about a little more than the 360 version. And pre-order figures are exactly double, so that provocative headline is quite true. Love you all in advance. "

What in the god-damn hell? So a single store that has 3 pre-orders for GTAIV happens to have 1 more than the Xbox 360 version? And the PS3 is bulkier than the 360 as the 360 is concave.

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I think they might outsell 2:1 if you only count sales from the Sony store lol.

I doubt if this could be true as the 360 has a bigger share of the market. Thats unless PS3 gamers happen to be more orderly and organized and have had their pre-orders ordered early (I haven't placed my 360 pre-order yet) , and some website has released their figures so far.

Something feels dodgy about that statement anyway

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What in the god-damn hell? So a single store that has 3 pre-orders for GTAIV happens to have 1 more than the Xbox 360 version? And the PS3 is bulkier than the 360 as the 360 is concave.

Concave does not equal less bulky, a straight layout would. It could still have the same greatest dimensions, it just depends on the actual dimensions.

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