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Album Cover Game

The Bossman

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Okay, first off, I'd love to say this was my idea but it isn't, it's by another chap on a forum I'm on. Basically, here are the rules:

Your band name is the article you get when you click this link.

Your album title is the last four words of the last quote on this page. - Click on 'New Random Quotations' to get your band name.

And your cover art is the top right image on this page.

Use Photoshop and let's see what you get. :D Or, if you can't use Photoshop - like myself, use Paint. Your results will vary, depending on how much effort you put in. For a quick fix, they'll look quite poor. Like my first effort:


Let's see what you guys and gals can do then. :) Again, I didn't create this game, someone else did, just to make that clear. It's fun to do though, I think.

Upload your images to an image-hosting website like ImageShack, or whatever your preference is. :)

Edited by The Bossman
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Erm, when I try and copy the photo on the top right to my computer all i get is a 1x1 image of nothing......?

Click on the image first, then when it loads, right-click and copy as normal.

Upload your images to an image-hosting website like ImageShack, or whatever your preference is. :)

Imageshack sucks, IsaraPix is 1000 times better, it uploads like a horse (fast)

Can't say I've heard of them, but you can upload them wherever you want, like I mentioned.

Here's mine:


I used Photoshop and Photobucket.

Nice effort. :)

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