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School involvment


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Hmmm... In some ways I think the school should get involved but somehow I think they shouldn't. If you don't want the school to get involved then I would suggest taking the guy on after school and away from the school, I'm not advising you to do it though it isn't really right fighting unless it is a reasonable dispute.

But no they shouldn't in my opinion.

Edited by Thomas.
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Meh, schools should never get involved in fights. They usually end up making things worse by interfering.

Yep, happened to me and they just made things worse. They made us all write statements about what happened and promised that they wouldn't show them to the others but guess what, they did! I wrote a load of bull too so they were like "What! I never said that!"


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Tbh, I hate it when school's get involved in other peoples problems. We are old and mature enough to sort it out by ourselves are we not?

If its on the school premesis then fine, I can understand why they would get involved. They dont want their school to build a bad reputation. My schools exactly like that, but I have no problem with that whatsoever.

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