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Teleportation Codes !


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  ALVASI said:
Can anyone please tell me the teleportation codes of the place in the mission in which we enter the bank of the caligula's casino ?

Please anyone ! :whistle:

Link the actor to interior 1

try coordinates 2157.597 1597.863 998.9694


315@ = Actor.Create(Mission1, #BMYBOUN, 2157.597, 1597.863, 998.9694)
0860: link_actor 315@ to_interior 1


03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 2157.597 1597.863 998.9694 
04BB: select_interior 1
0860: link_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR to_interior 1 
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 2157.597, 1597.863, 998.9694) 
Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 300.0

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  ALVASI said:
What do you mean by linking the actor to interior one and what are those codes after the teleportation code !

You can't just teleport in the game you need to either code it or use a trainer. Trainers cannot teleport you inside a building. The way the game functions; it teleports you to another dimension inside the game every time you enter a building. Take note of the x y z coordinates of the casino, the z altitude is 998.9694 meters above ground. This is why we referred to interiors as heavens. They are located in the sky. But teleport there using a standard trainer from outside and you will just fall to your doom. Just as the real heaven is another dimension the GTA heavens are too. You must use a Cleo script or edit the main.scm to get there. The only "correct way" to teleport there using a trainer would be to be inside the building or another building that exists inside the same heaven. To my knowledge there are 15 heavens. I believe you can use the Canton Gym to teleport to the Casino because they are both interior 1.


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I think he's looking for something like a cheat code.

Here's a handy tool that I like -


You could also use the ENNEX feature in an IPL file, I've had good luck w/ that. Best of all, it's a simple data edit so you

don't need to play around w/ the MAIN.SCR & your saves will still work.

Edited by Urbanoutlaw
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  JAB HacksouL said:
  ALVASI said:
What do you mean by linking the actor to interior one and what are those codes after the teleportation code !

You can't just teleport in the game you need to either code it or use a trainer. Trainers cannot teleport you inside a building. The way the game functions; it teleports you to another dimension inside the game every time you enter a building. Take note of the x y z coordinates of the casino, the z altitude is 998.9694 meters above ground. This is why we referred to interiors as heavens. They are located in the sky. But teleport there using a standard trainer from outside and you will just fall to your doom. Just as the real heaven is another dimension the GTA heavens are too. You must use a Cleo script or edit the main.scm to get there. The only "correct way" to teleport there using a trainer would be to be inside the building or another building that exists inside the same heaven. To my knowledge there are 15 heavens. I believe you can use the Canton Gym to teleport to the Casino because they are both interior 1.


That is very interesting, is that "Heavan" shit in Vice City?

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  JAB HacksouL said:
  ALVASI said:
What do you mean by linking the actor to interior one and what are those codes after the teleportation code !

You can't just teleport in the game you need to either code it or use a trainer. Trainers cannot teleport you inside a building. The way the game functions; it teleports you to another dimension inside the game every time you enter a building. Take note of the x y z coordinates of the casino, the z altitude is 998.9694 meters above ground. This is why we referred to interiors as heavens. They are located in the sky. But teleport there using a standard trainer from outside and you will just fall to your doom. Just as the real heaven is another dimension the GTA heavens are too. You must use a Cleo script or edit the main.scm to get there. The only "correct way" to teleport there using a trainer would be to be inside the building or another building that exists inside the same heaven. To my knowledge there are 15 heavens. I believe you can use the Canton Gym to teleport to the Casino because they are both interior 1.


I think there are more heavens. At least 26, I've heard and explored myself that there are some weird interiors and there is a hidden safehouse too where you can save your game; the only bug there is when you exit by the door, you fall and then get back to the house.

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